fouled out

33 0 0

alex p.o.v

Walking beside me into school the next morning Zane didn't ditch me like he usually would, in fact he was kind of- dare I say kind to me over the past 3 weeks, actually trying to be civil with me. Can't really say it accounted for all the times he wasn't there for me but it was a step in the right direction I suppose.  

Sitting outside for lunch I leaned against the great oak tree in the courtyard, soaking up the sunrays, well that was until somebody rudely interrupted me. "Well look who decided to make herself known, how adorable" glancing up Kate grinned mischievously down at me like a cat on crack or something. Paying her little or no attention she kicked the book out of my hands smashing my right hand in between in the process.  

Yelping with the shock of pain bolting through my hand I clutched it to my chest, standing slowly as I glared at her designer wedges. "Is there something you want or are you going to keep looking like the fucking joker with your ugly ass makeup?" Narrowing her eyes, I quickly swallowed my fake confidence "don't patronize me freak, my point of coming over here is to tell you to go back to the hole you crawled out of".  

Using my airhead-decoder I figured when she meant 'hole' she was referring to the library "what's it matter to you?" blinking she gave me a demeaning look "oh me personally I don't but it is my business if you're trying to change your reject status". Peering at her I tried to surge up some type of resolve or backbone "I'm not scared of you". Giving me a grin that would have the devil himself would have been proud of she darted forward.  

Twisting my injured hand behind my back and preceded to whisper in my ear "I would be cause I can make your life living hell, so keep being cocky its only more enjoyment for me". Signaling the end of lunch she sent me a malicious look paired with a finger wave "till next time". Curling my hand back to my chest I calmed my racing heart, I was times like these that I wish I had laser vision so she would combust unfortunately, I had yet to perfect that skill yet.  

Rolling my shoulders I headed off to P.E. arguing with myself in my head I pondered on the question of if I should tell Jake about her. Breathing deep I decided against it, I refused to run to my brother an look pathetic when things got rough, he had his own shit to worry about. Gathering on the edge of the court flexing my bruised hand to trying to relieve tension I scanned the class. Today we were playing volleyball, yay another impossible sport to play. Being paired off I wasn't on Zane's side as he was paired with Kate and Adam with I.  

Serving the ball Adam played as if I wasn't next to him often shoving me out of the way as I tried to save it from hitting the floor, code for= move the fuck out of the way or I'm going to run you over. Great the one sport I actually kind of knew what I was doing and he wouldn't even let me move from the box that he designated to me. Finally seeing an opening I yelled out the standard "got it" but Adam still dashed for it. Setting up to hit it he threw all his weight into pushing me aside forcefully making out hands collide as his smacked the ball crushing my injured one underneath it.  

Smacking the court I forced myself to leave my hand by my side though it throbbed, slowly I peeled myself up from the court "what the hell man she said she had it what's your problem?!" Standing at the other side of the net Zane yelled at Adam glaringly "who's team you on man?" Adam retorted back. Sighing I kept my face impassive "Zane leave it, I fouled out anyway" giving him a look to drop it he nodded begrudgingly as I sat on the sidelines.  

Waiting at Zane's car afterschool for a ride I was careful not to touch my hand which was bright red with busted blood blisters and slightly puffy. Unlocking the front door for us both with my good hand I kept the other one hidden, clearly Zane was still peeved at Adams behavior. Staying up in my room until Jake called for dinner I brought it up stairs to eat it in bed. I had too much stirring in my mind to really focus on eating so more or less I took little bites and moved it around my plate.  

I hated how I didn't have any backbone but yet I had to take some sort of action against Kate and her minions. Usually I could handle their torment but ever since the almost- rape, it feels like I've been thrown off my standing point. Turning out the light moonlight fluttered through my room. Sitting on the edge of the bed Zane didn't bother to knock seeing as it was 3am already and I hadn't had a wink of sleep, not like he couldn't tell that.  

Flipping my bedside light on dim rolling over to greet him "still awake?" letting out a heavy breath I scanned his face "sleeping is over rated" scoffing he looked away before looking directly at me. "P.E. was seriously screwed up today" avoiding his stare I traced the pattern on my lamp with my eyes "it was nothing" the silence continued a few seconds "he was just being an asshole and had no right to shove you off the court" rubbing a tired hand over my face my eyes lingered on him for a second "I fouled out any-" "don't okay? We both know that whole thing was a lie".  

Breathing deeply I pursed my lips into a thin line "why can't you just leave it be?" biting the edge of his mouth he continued to stare at me "because know that he hurt you, and that's not right, sure I teased you to death and what not but I was never one to physically hurt you" quickly my face changed to one of resolve "no he didn't I'm fine Zane you just being a worry wart" I played it off, hoping he would buy it.  

Raising an eyebrow he motioned for my hands, of course he wouldn't buy it he knew me too well even though at times we hated each other. "I'm fine stop it" grabbing my wrists he dragged them out from my sides "yeah cause a black and blue hand is totally normal". Stalking out of the room he came back with aspirin and ice, setting it gently on my hand as I hissed in pain "it's your own fault for not telling me, now I'm going to have to rip that asshole a new one". "It was an accident plus this is from earlier on today not just him" laying back my body relaxed a bit.  

"Mm, tired much?" and here came the yawn "nope" snuggling against the warmth of his thigh I bit I grumbled a goodnight. Feeling a tugging of a blanket onto my shoulders, I settled in and drifted off.

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