The Text[Pt:2]

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<You Think To Yourself>:Hmmm Zoe was a bit weird I wonder if she will even text me.
<You Think To Yourself>:there goes my phone it might be Zoe
(You Open your phone up)
Zoe:Hey is this Y/N:
You:Yes is this Zoe:
Zoe:Sorry I was a bit awkward at McDonald's:
You:Its Ok:
Zoe:It was a dare to get someone number so I chose you:
You:Soooo it wasn't because I was cute:
Zoe:Lol that to:
Zoe:So what you up to:
You:Nothing Much:
You:How about You?:
Zoe:Texting you and eating nutella:
You:Mm I love nutella:
Zoe:I have a question:
You:And I have a answer:
<You Think To Yourself>:Is this technically flirting
Zoe:Do you like Cherry Dr.Pepper:
You:YAS I do it's the best drink :
Zoe:Yay Goodie:
Mom:Y/N time to eat!
You:I gtg Zoe:

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