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Just checking in to tell you that I hope you enjoy the story.
I have a rough layout for the storyline and I will try to keep the sex at a max, because let's be honest, that's what we're all here for.
There will be drama through the book as well to keep my asexual readers entertained.
This is going to be a rough ride.

Some of the sites where sexual intercourse takes place will not work in real life, so please DO NOT try it.
Unless you already have...
Which is cool...

I have read up a bit on foreplay, arousing and hot spots on the body and I'm trying to incorporate most into the book.

Big thanks to my editor and helper in female parts and emotions, because we all know that can get a bit confusing at times:


Also, just as big thanks to the co-founder of the storyline:


If you are a fan of poetry, please go check out my book full of poetry

"my tomb will read..."

Feel free to submit your own poetry, even if you feel insecure about it.

That's all folks.

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