Part 1

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Aubrey's POV

Mr.Nado's lecture on how the Civil War affected Americans was interrupted by a huge clap of thunder. It shook the school and a couple kids fell out of their chairs. "Ok class it was just thunder, we're fine, now at the time the Civil War was in full swing...". Mr.Nado was cut off by another monstrous clap of thunder, closer this time. The lights of the class room flickered for a second and a flash of lighting lit up the ink black sky.

One kid started whimpering. The class fell silent. The sound of nothingness was broken by the sudden pounding of rain and hail on the school's roof. I got my phone out and tried texting my mom but the text didn't go through. I sighed and sank back into my chair. A couple of claps of thunder and flashes of lighting later, the intercom came on, with the principal's voice booming out. "Please excuse this interruption, teachers please take your class to their tornado shelter space, a tornado warning has been issued for our area." The intercom cut off and jut as it did, the tornado sirens went off.

The moments that followed were a blur. All I remember was the whole class sprinting to our safe spot, other teachers and students swarming around us, running to their safe spots as well. My class eventually came to one of the boys bathrooms in the center of the school. I hunkered down in a locked stall with some other kids from my class. The lights flickered on and off like lightning bugs. They then went out. A couple kids started crying and others got their phones out for some light.

We sat in the dark for another half hour, the only sounds to be heard were the rain and hail, threatening to break the roof, and the louder than life thunder. The sirens were still going and I was wondering how long this storm would go on for.

I suddenly heard what sounded like a thousand freight trains in the distance, coming closer and closer to the school. Everything went silent. All the sudden the roof was thrown off the school! I started screaming at the top of my lungs, as did other kids. My long hair was whipping around my face like a mini tornado. I felt myself being lifted off the ground but then I was dropped down again. I squeezed my eyes shut to keep dirt from getting in them. Flying debris scratched at my skin and a piece of wood hit me in the head. I got dazed for a second before snapping back to my horrifying reality.

I opened my eyes for a split second to see a kid from my class being thrown out of the roofless bathroom. Tears slid down my face and I pinched myself as hard as I could, trying to convince myself it was all a dream. The only thing that happened was that my arm started bleeding from where I pinched myself. The sound from the tornado was deafening; like a thousand banshees screaming in your ear.

All of the sudden it stopped. It just all stopped. No more flying debris. No more screaming wind or whipping hair. No more of anything. I was breathing as if I just ran a marathon. My throat was scratchy from screaming and all the dirt I had inhaled.

I heard Mr.Nado saying,"Is everyone alright?". We all answered yes. I slowly stood up with the other kids I was with in the stall. I was covered in dirt and my legs had been cut multiple times. I had a big red mark on my right cheek bone from where the board had hit me. I climbed up on the toilet I was next to and peeked over what remained of the bathroom's walls. "What do you see?" One kid asked. "There's nothing..." my voice trailed. "Well of coarse there's going to be nothing left Aubrey, but what do you see?" Mr.Nado asked. I turned and hopped off the toilet. "Mr.Nado, there's literally nothing." I spoke. It was the truth. When I had looked over the wall, the ground had been covered with a thick blanket of broken houses and cars. There were a couple trees that had been snapped in half and twisted this way and that, but nothing more than that.

The tornado had taken everything.

Ok guys so I watched a documentary called, "Where Was God?" on Netflix that was about the 2013 tornado outbreak in Moore and I cried literally the whole time. It is just so sad to see how the tornados had torn everyone's lives apart in a split second. Tornadoes can be very powerful and are not a thing to laugh at or joke about. It broke my heart to see how many peoples lives were lost and how many people lost loved ones. (If you watch the documentary, be prepared to SOB at the end. When I say sob I mean you will literally flood your house with tears! Or is it just me?)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2017 ⏰

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