Tagged again (*'ー`*)

78 2 13

1. Wierd fact about me.
- I talk to myself? Not occasionally, like everyday I talk to myself. Like right now! Ha!

2. Favorite food
-Too many to count. Too many... BEEFSTEAK!

3. First Fandom
-Hohoho! This takes me back! Hmmm "Sword Art Online" Shippers (I know, Kirito is soooo Mary Sue)

4. Best Friends
-I am not obliged to give or show you their names. For privacy purpose.

5. Your'e current lock screen.

 Your'e current lock screen

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6. Favorite OTP

7. Birthday
-Again, I am not obliged to show or give thee. For privacy purpose.

8. Five Fears
- The death of my loved ones and pets
- No internet
- Sometimes the dark (cause I get paranoia easily)
- Failing and dropping out of school
- Idk on this one

9. What do you look like?
-Not obliged to give or show thee. For privacy purpose.

10. Favorite song
-well currently my favorite song is anything from JubyPhonic or the soundtrack of The Heathers: Musical.

11. Why did you make an account.
-To read stories made by other people. And to get rid of boredom.

12. Favorite character ever.
-hmmm Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji
- Marinette Dupain Cheng from Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir
- Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri! On Ice

I know I'm given responsibility to tag 20 people. But I don't want to carry this tagline anymore. The other 19 carriers of this tagline shall carry their duties forthwith.

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