Updated Marriage Series- How Fans React to the Engagement

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A couple of hours after everyone had left the house our phones started buzzing like crazy. Mentions, texts and even email notifications went off like crazy. We both turned off our phones and went to our laptops to see what this was about.

"I'll check twitter and you can check the news tab in google" I said. About a minute later I had found what everyone was gawking about. Apparently her sister Laura had tweeted a picture of the moment and mentioned both of us.

"OF COURSE!" [Y/N] said, "we should've told her not to, how can I be so stupid!" she said.

"Babe" I said in an attempt to calm her down, "it's going to be okay, we can't be mad at her I mean we didn't tell them to keep it a secret". She knew that I had a point.

"Yeah I guess" she said. "Let's see what all the fans are saying?" I said. She scooted closer to me. We scrolled though my mentions they were filled with congratulations. The more I scrolled the more confident I got that everyone was taking it well. I refreshed my mentions and saw the nastiest comments."Princess would you check your mentions?" I said to her. She grabbed her laptop and started looking through them they were just down right hateful towards her. I recognized some icons that had told me that they were happy for me.

I got furious. I opened up a word document and started typing.

"Babe" she said looking at me, "why don't you take a little while to calm down?".

"No I can't" I said but before I knew it she had scooped up our laptops and put them up. She came back over to the bed and laid her head on my chest. She knew how hard it was for me to get up when she was comfortable on my chest. "Very funny" I said sarcastically.

"Niall, I'll give you the laptop back tomorrow it's late, besides let's take some time to enjoy ourselves before we have to talk to everybody." she said as she looked up into my eyes.

"Okay babe, let's go to bed." Niall said. She laid her head back on my chest and got comfortable for good.

"Night babe I mean fiancé" I whispered to her.

"good night my fiancé" she whispered back.

In the morning we both turned on our phones and laptops and started doing damage control (replying to things). Management called me wanting to confirm its truth I told them yes, there reaction was neutral. After we responded to personal messages from family and friends we went on twitter. Going back we found out that while some fans were heartbroken at the thought of me being taken; they accepted it and wanted us to be happy.

"Wow" I said showing [Y/N] the tweets of support.

"I know I can't believe it either!" she said.

"Just know that no matter what they say you'll always be my princess and no one can change my opinion of you." I told her as I laid my head on her stomach.

She running her fingers through my hair and said "No matter what you'll always be my perfect prince". I knew that soon we'd be happily married.

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