Chapter IV

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We walk to the clearing, which has a rock with the tattoo mark carved into it.

"What's this?" I whisper.

"Ssh." says Sparrow.

The other people come out of their huts and gather in the clearing.

One boy, with black hair, which is white at the front, and almost kind of blue, steps in front of the rock. He stands beside me, while the others, including Sparrow, stand in a horseshoe in front of us.


"That's my name, yes?"

"You have been selected to join our Avis group. Hold out your left hand."

I look at it for a second before placing it in front of him.

He hold my wrist while he holds his tattoo against mine.

He closes his eyes, and I feel power surging through my veins.

After about 30 seconds, the power fades, and he opens his eyes again.

"You are officially a member of the Avis group, but not fully."


"You'll need to begin training. So, Sparrow here will be mentoring you."


"There are some ground rules, though. Curfew is half past 9 every night, which means you must be in your hut by that time. Also don't stray outside of the borders. Sparrow will show you them tomorrow. And last, but not least... let's all say it."

"Fly freely, and fight fiercely." says everyone.

He shakes my hand. "Welcome to your new squad."

Then everyone walks off, and I attempt to ask him a question.

"Hey, what's your name? And everyone's?" I say, just a tad scared.

"Oh, my name is Jay. Easy to remember, my hair is like the plumage of a jay."

"Is everyone's?"

"Yeah. Just like yours is bright orange like a phoenix."

"Nice." I say, smiling.


We all go to our nests after, to have some downtime. I wander around mine, looking at all of the things.

Thankfully the bookshelf has the whole Harry Potter series, so when I get a bit of downtime, I'll read them.

It also has all of the movies, so I think I'll be having a Harry Potter marathon sometime soon.

I throw myself on my bed, face down, and suck in all of the scent.

It's a spicy kind of smell, like cinnamon. It's really nice.

I roll over onto my back and feel how postural it is. It just moulds your back into a really comfortable position.

I hear someone coming up the ladder.

"Hey, Phoenix, it's nearly dinner time, so wash up."

"Ok," I say, getting off the bed. I go down the ladder and follow Sparrow to the washroom.

It's quite fancy, I have to say.

There are nice towels, and showers, and even bathrobes to wear after.

I go to the line of sinks against the wall, and wash my hands at one of them. Even the soap is nice. It's foamy and smells like pomegranate.

I take my time to wash them, just enjoying how luxurious this place is.

Then I follow Sparrow to the dining hall, which is quite nice too. It's a long table, with nice chairs, and astonishing table decorations.

Amazing smells waft from the kitchen. It smells like soup.

They bring out little bowls of it, and a large plate of bread rolls.

A bowl is placed in front of me, and it looks a bit like a chowder.

Sparrow sees my confusion. "It's a vegetarian dish. If you're vegetarian..."

"I am, actually." I say. "I don't have any other allergies though."

"Ahh. Tuck in! It's quite nice."

I take my spoon, dip it into my bowl, and taste it.

I feel a mix of spices, and lots of textures. There's noodles in it, and I think a bit of leek.

"That's amazing!" I say, putting my spoon in for more.


After dinner, Jay invites me to his hut.

His is blue and black and white, much like his hair.

"So, Phoenix. How was your day?"

I sigh.

"It's been more than a day for me. I mean, I've lost my father, and my normal life..."

"I know it can be tough, but sometimes change is good. I know this from my own traumatic experience."

"Yes, but everything changed so quickly. I'm not someone who can handle that."

"Trust me. It'll be alright. You have all of us," he says, in a calming tone.

He open his arms out for a hug, so I embrace his warmth, and cry on his shoulder.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have all the drafts written in here but I still have to do some editing before I publish them but that may be a while away.
In the meantime, comment, vote, go crazy GOODBYE


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