Chapter 6

478 11 6

Josh's POV
Last night with Kirsten was really nice to my surprise she was a good kisser, Should I text her today? Nah she's probably in class. Maybe later. I can hit up Cody to come with me at the abandoned Hospital. It's about a 2 hour drive from here so I hope he agrees

dialing... Cody Buffington
"Hey Josh" Cody said

"What's up Cody,will you come with me to this abandoned hospital at Wendy Dr.?" I asked

"Yeah, you know what this a perfect timing for you to call since I'm not doing anything" He said

"So I heard you and Jenny?" I laughed

"Haha let's talk about that later" Cody said

10 minutes later

*knock on the door*

"Kirsten?" I said confused by the fact that she is here and supposed to be in school and as to why her shirt has rips on it with tears dropping all over her face

"Josh I'm sorry I just... I just needed someone" She cried and pulls me in to a hug

"What happened?" I asked

"It's too much" She cried even more

"What's too much? Wait let me get you a glass of water" I said

I went into the kitchen to get her a glass of water and some chocolate milk to calm her down

"Josh who's that?" My mom asked

"That's my friend" I said

"Does she need asprin or tylenol?" She asked

"Yeah no this'll do" I said

I sat her down at our living room giving her the glass of water

"Here this will make you better" I offered the chocolate milk

"Tha..nks" She calms down

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked

She looked at me

"I mean it's okay if your not comfortable about it rea-" I said

"He raped me" She said

I truly didn't know what to say there are millions of questions going on in my mind as to like who is he? when did it happen? how did it happen?

She cried again

"I'm sorr..y if I went" She cried

"I didn't know where else to go I don't want to come home like this" She adds

"It's okay Kirsten I'm right here" I said

*doorbell rings*

"That must be Cody, wait here" I said

I opened the door to see Cody holding a bunch of camera equipment and a drone

"Cody!" I cheered

"Hey!" He cheered

He comes in and sees Kirsten sitting on the couch weeping

"Bro is she okay?" He asked clearly worried about her

"No she's not" I answered

I sat next to Kirsten I didn't want to leave her to go urban exploring definitely not when she's miserable, Cody sat next to me

"Hey Code I can't go" I said

"I understand" He said

"Kirsten I'll I ask my Mom if I can borrow one of her clothes" I said

I stood up and went to the kitchen to look for my Mom, not there, I went into her bedroom to see her cleaning up her closet, what a perfect timing

"Mom hey do you have some shirts that you don't use anymore?" I asked

"Here" She hands me a striped shirt

"Stripes make me look fat" She laughed

"Thanks mom" I said

"Is that for your girlfriend? also what happened to her shirt why is it all torn apart?" She asked

"I told you Mom she's just a friend" I said

If only she knew what just happened to her

"I'll tell you next time" completely ignored the fact that she called Kirsten my girlfriend

I went back to the living room, Kirsten and Cody nowhere to be found

"Kirsten? Cody?" I called

"Here!" Cody shout from the kitchen

I went inside

"I thought you guys were gone" I said

"Nah she just wanted some asprin" Cody said

"Here's your shirt" I handed her the striped shirt

"Thanks" She gave me a small nod

And went outside, I follow her

"I'll bring you home" I suggested

"M'kay" She replied

"Kirsten its going to be okay" I smiled

"I wish" she said

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2017 ⏰

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