10 ☆

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Yein's POV

Jungkook's words left me in shock. His face was too close, I couldn't breathe. I never thought of him 'liking' me that way or is that how you call it 'like' 'crush' or whatever.

He didn't feel awkward nor stuttered after he said that. He just smiled and patted my head. I didn't want to get any wrong ideas, so I thought, maybe he's just comfortable when he's with me, overwhelmed that he finally have a girl   friend. That's it. I don't want to get my hopes up.

He'll just tease me (○` 3′○)

I was staring blankly when I heard footsteps. Jungkook just went out of the bathroom. The fragrance was unfamiliar to me so I assumed he brought with him some shampoo or soap to use.

"You have your own house, better than this one yet you still want to stay? It's a bit uncomfortable here, and you know that." I said, looking down. I couldn't look him in the eyes. It's too awkward.

"What do you mean? It's better here. Do you even know the feeling of being alone with housekeepers staring at your every move like a creep?" He said, with a disgust look on his face. I gotta admit, i was like that when i first saw him. Staring at him like a creep.

"Come to think of it, I was also like that when I first saw you. You probably didn't remember nor knew about it since you just took a glance and rolled your eyes, cursing. After that, I thought of you as an ungrateful jerk" I said and chuckled. He looked surprised, his eyes widening. I giggled since I found him cute.

Don't get any ideas, i just find him cute but that doesn't mean I like him. I'm not that shallow.

"You were that girl?!/?!/" He said, looking at me as if he's doubting. I nodded.

"Wait...You remembered?" I asked and put down the notes that i was holding

"I know. Suprisingly, I do." He said and drank the juice I prepared for myself. How dare-

"I can make you another one later. Something that isnt too sweet like the one you just made. Seriously. " He said as he shooked his head. I rolled my eyes and went back to studying.

"Ugh I came here to have fun but-"

"Now is not the time to have fun Jeon. I have exams. I have yet to finish 5 of them." He pouted and crossed his arms like a fiveyearold kid. Why is he being childish again?

"Hey, Jeong Yein." He kept on poking my sides and it's starting to get annoying.


I wasn't buying it but it looks like he isnt giving up yet. Gah, good for this brat, he didn't have to worry about his future but here I am, broke as fuck and have no future.

"LEE YE IN" I dropped the notes as he called me with my surname before. He smirked and picked up the notes.

"I found a way in order to keep that damned scholarship of yours." I gasped and looked at him. He wiped the floors before he squatted, facing me.

"Jeong Yein, isn't this you?" He picked out something from his pocket which surprised me. He's holding a picture of me when I was a Junior. And the worst part is, I was a gymnast.

I tried to reach for the picture but he's too tall. Goddamnit. I was embarassed at the fact that he found that pic. I have never showed that to anyone. Where the hell did he get that?

"Join the team." He said, seriousness drawn all over his face. I sighed and sat on the couch.

"I guess being a gymnast is your long time dream after all. Why did you stop?" I played with my fingers, not knowing what to say.

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