to all my friends

10 4 2

to the perfume of impeccable smell ever drawn
with even the bitter tasting people left bereft
of speech, the hour is blue and it is blue hour
time lapses and traipses into its mystery
I keep wondering where or what that scent
came to, a heavenly starry view and a whimsical
wanderlust left in the hearts of every princess
out there with a man who takes
the mantle of the journey to crawl inside
such a tight beating space of her chest

To all my friends saying I am not up for
that decision, I am too dramatic and predisposed
to derelict conversation and intellectual thought
the rainbow comes with the rain and the LGBT
my heart is titanium and too heavy to fit
inside another's perplexing palm-

You tell me I am just like her and it crushes me
that I sit in the same spot, that passenger seat
of your jeep you hate as she did and I want
to explode in reds oranges yellows greens
blues purple yell at you that I loved her too
but she fell for you and you ruined it for everyone

Live in the white city, slip into the blue hour
again, and to all my friends saying I was wrong
that you're all right about your opinions of me
and I am misguided, I should just go to the bars
with you all and cash in on the next person
buy me a drink, like I have fun in the face
of funerals and if I make it tonight we can arrange
my own later on I guess

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