"Lex," I heard someone yell. I turned back to only see Alyx standing in front of me. Alyx, who used to be Alexa, had decided that since I was pulling her into a group of friends which includes a huge amount of hot guys so she had to change her name to something "cooler". Alexa had told me that if I ever dared call her Alexa again, she'll sneak in my room and drown me in the food from the cafeteria.
"Hey, what's up?" Alyx and I haven't been as close as before after meeting in a party and finding out that I've been dating Cam. She said that they've been enemies and that she was sorry but she would rather walk away from trouble.
"Do you want to hang out after school today?" her voice was quiet and anxious as if she was scared to even ask me which shouldn't even be happening because we were so damn close.
"Sorry, I have a group meet up kinda thing," I replied, giving her an apologetic smile.
"With who? Maybe I could come along if there are some hot guys," She grinned. Her voice gained the amount of her lost excitement.
I can feel the question in her eyes; she was obviously weirded out by my change of expression. It took me a long pause until I can finally blurt out the short word. "Cam," The smile on her face disappeared. Before I can say anything to defend my boyfriend, a warm, gentle hand slipped into mine, intertwining our fingers together. I looked up to see Cam's blue eyes, staring down to mine. Ignoring Alyx, I let Cam pull me out of the awkward conversation.
It was Friday which meant that there's a party which was about to appear right before our eyes. We both decided to hang out in our dorm due to Cam, tripping over a rock and spraining his ankle which meant that he couldn't drive. As we passed the teacher's office, Ricky, the guy who takes care of the dorm yelled out my name. He said that my roommate had finally arrived.
Although I would've been happy 2 weeks ago while I'm willing to sacrifice anything for a friend, today, I would do anything so that nobody is going to fill the space up. I wanted the dorm to myself since the beginning but then I realized how much of a loner I was so that I wanted friends in there but now, I couldn't bring my friends up for sleepovers in my dorm again.
While Jaxon lied on the opposite side from mine while singing so loud that I had to tape his mouth shut, he was the person who reminded me of my friends from my home town. He was weird, dark and a guy who I could express my feelings about anything about for hours.
As I helped Cam who was struggling to walk to my room and I turned my keys to my room, I was greeted with a strong scent of vanilla which shocked me.
"Oooh nice, vanilla," Cam laughed a laugh which was so adorable; I didn't notice the mess in my room. Clothes and boxes scattered all over the room. Boxes were piling on my roommate's bed. I don't think that her clothes would even fit in the closet. As Cam's hands slid down my waist, pulling me onto me onto my bed, our mouth collided. His lips were soft and smooth against mine as it moved in the same rhythm.
Suddenly, Cam's mouth still on mine, the door slammed open. We both turned around at the same time. The girl entered the room with a laugh. She had a gorgeous smile on her face. There were hands on her hips, holding onto her like those tag along games that I used to play as a kid. She was followed by a guy with blonde hair.
Cam immediately pulled away the second he saw her face. The girl's eyes travelled from Cam to me. For a moment, the whole entire room fell silent.
"Cam," the blonde guy whispered. The one syllabus word that he croaked out made it sound like it was the hardest word to ever be pronounced and at the same time, he tightened his grip on the girl's hand.
"Lexi, this is Dan and Luce," he slowly said while shifting his focus on me. I swear, I think my jaw dropped. Luce and Dan both walked to her bed as we sat there, facing each other. Cam was stiff; he kept his gaze on me the whole entire time. He looked as if he was trying to avoid her.
Dan finally broke the silence while Luce leaned against her.
"So your name is?" He asked anyways even though he already knew, I didn't mind, we were at least filling up the awkwardness.
"I'm Lexi, Cam's girlfriend; I think you already figured that out".
"What happened, where did you go?" Cam said. He was obviously very concerned about them but honestly, he looked fucking adorable.
"It's a long story," Luce said, she looked as if she was trying to avoid something. Daniel knew what we were about to ask and decided to answer before we could say a word.
"We needed a safe place to stay. Lucifer's curse was finding a way to reach her and destroy her. This time things were different, we don't know what it is, the only thing we know is that it didn't destroy her right away, we don't know if there's going to be anything which is going to also be fucked up or not," Dan said, letting out a breath which he seemed to be holding the entire time.
"Dan brought me to this place which the angels have built for fallen angels. Although it wasn't supposed to be made, some angels' loved ones have fallen and they decided to build a safe place for them. We met an angel which ruled the place, we had to swear an oath that if there was a war, we'll have to fight for them. The angel was an insanely powerful angel which gifted me with wings." Luce shot Dan a look which was to die for. Her emotions which expressed through her face were filled with love and care. They both looked at each other as Luce clutched onto his hands.
"So what happened with you two?" Dan asked in a tone of a voice which I couldn't exactly make out. I knew that Cam was in love with his girlfriend but he asked us with a devilish grin. He looked at me and just smiled.
It took me forever to upload this. I think that the story line is really building up. I don't really want to rush it, I have alot going on right now but I'll try my best to upload.
Ps. Thanks for the view guys:)