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-start with a scene, you don't have too, but its a lot more interesting.

-there's only two ooas, please be patient.

-if you have any anon requests I will do them when I can.

-relationships take time.

-if you cheat, we cheat. If you want an open relationship with one of us, ask. But if we say no, (least likely, I don't believe in monogamy.) And if we say no, please respect our decisions.

-respect their sexualities, most of the girls are bisexual and most of the guys are straight. (you can request a gay/lesbian anon if you'd like.)

-there is only two ooas and we both have lives, so if we don't answer and you see we are online we are either tired or not into the rp. (If that happens we will tell you.)

-drama is allowed, but if it gets to the point where its actually stressing me out, fuck yal.

-we accept rape, kidnapping etc scenes just no killing off our anons.

queensNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ