Wand Wavering Foolishness- bella

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"I don't get it!" yelled a very angry Bella, "all of this wand wavering foolishness is irritating me"

Bella had been staying at Jessica Blacks home, it was a shabby old and wooden cottage, everything would scream 'poor' but to Jessica it screamed 'Lupin', she lived with Remus Lupin, a mysterious man that wondered down to the 'forbidden' basement. Bella enjoyed her time with Jessica, they got to bond as siblings did on their happy days - of course they were not related in their first family, but there is always chances of being related to another wizard.

Due to Bella's learning at the American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry she would pass into second year, although she was a year and a bit younger than everyone in her 'new' year grade. At her American school they believe in the wizard can perform magic with more their wand and without their wand, she spent her time learning wandless magic with a different learning system compare to Hogwarts. Therefore leaving her to catch up in the holidays of everything she didn't learn without the use of actually performing it with her wand. It made Bella wished she could drown herself in the bathtub.

"Oh my Bella, did you just quote Professor Snape" Jessica teased, Bella winked and tried again to perform the unlocking charm without 'actually' performing magic.

"Alohomera" she chanted to hear Jessica laugh, Bella couldn't say the unlocking charm to save her life, she found it a tongue twister and Jessica did tease her for says by yelling 'Alohomora' all around the house.

"Bella its al-LOH-ho-MOR-ah, not 'al-LOH-HOME-ra', gosh Bella i thought better of you" she laughed.

Bella glared at her and went back to studying the 'foolish' wand wavering, it was a backwards 'S' and in all respects it made Bella mentally cringe when she had to do the wand movement, failing. She groaned and fell backwards on Jessica's Bed, Bella was ready ti give up magic and live as a muggle.

"Jess, Bella" Remus Lupin yelled, neither of them got up. "Girls!" he said slightly louder but it was the loudest he had ever been with them. They rushed out of Jessica's room to see lunch was made, with a side meal of chocolate, Bella wasn't ever going to eat chocolate after her stay with Jessica.

Bella looked at it strangely, everywhere she has been their had been strange food but staying at the Lupin household the food seem even stranger. There was red little circles and a bun next to it, she picked it up and sniffed it and put it down in confusion.

"Bella their mini hot dogs," she said, the look Bella gave her left Jessica to shriek in laughter causing poor old Remus Lupin to jump in the air. "You haven't ever had a hot dog before" Bella looked at her as if she was crazy, "Their not 'real' dogs Bella, thats just their name" She still looked at the hot dog and then at Jessica as if she committed a crime.

"Thank you Mr Lu-" Remus tutted her "I mean Remus, thank you for the.. Hot... Dogs but i think i will pass and just eat the bun"

Remus Lupin looked stressed but Jessica told him to calm down, it was his responsibility to look after Bella and if she looks under fed all hell would come after him as the Malfoys had a liking to the young girl. Jessica told Bella to grab what ever she wanted in the bun from the kitchen and eat with them, Bella not wanting to get Remus Lupin wand in a knot again decided she would just grab some ham and put it in her bun and eat it.

After Remus told them they would be going to Diagon Alley the next day, Bella was over excited as she had only been last year in much of a rush. Jessica jumped up to say she needs to owl Hermione, Kyle, Luna and Harry to see when they are going - purposely leaving out Ronald's name. Bella was alone with Remus.

"Bella" he said calmly, "The dirt-" he paused, "I mean the Malfoys have requested for you to join them for the remainder of the holidays and pick you up at Diagon Alley, as they don't want to be-" he paused again. "So Bella just go and pack your things so your all ready for tomorrow"

Bella nodded, she didn't like Remus Lupin frowning and she had no idea why he was but she was sure to ask him when she was brave enough to ask where he got his new scar from the following night, and the racket from the basement 4 nights ago. But Bella was not a brave person and she knew that, she admitted it.

She smiled kindly and walked her way back into Jessica's room to see her scribbling with her quill, Bella decided to write one to Narcissa telling her she would be delighted to come but would very much miss her friends. She got one of Jessica's spare quills and parchment and started writing her own letter

'Mrs Malfoy,

Thank you for inviting me to stay for the remainder of the holidays with you, i am most excited to see you, Mr Malfoy and Draco as he and my friends are not on good terms. I will miss my friend Jessica dearly but i am rather excited.

From, Bella

P.S. Bellatrix my owl has gotten a bit nasty since 4 nights ago, could you maybe feed her a bit extra, please.'

She saw Jessica finishing off send her letters as she attached hers to her owl, Bellatrix was the name she choose as it was the first star she studied when she was at a muggle school, she always had an interest in Astronomy. Her sharp claws was protected with platinum silver. Bellatrix the third brightest star, her bird left and she started to pack her stuff up, Jessica was confused.

"What are you doing Bella? Your not going now are you? It wasn't the Hot Dogs was it, i promise you its not a real dog being cooked" her eyes looked hurt, Bella had to turn her eyes away.

"Mr Lupin told me that Mr and Mrs Malfoy have requested for me to stay with them, they will pick me up at Diagon Alley," Jessica looked like she just lost something precious "just let me pack my stuff up and we will talk until we lost our voices or the awkward silence eats us both"

Jessica helped Bella pack her stuff up apart from her pillow and bed roll, they sat on the bed and spoke of everything until they were both laying together on the bed as if they were bonding there sisterly love. They both stared at the ceiling, it was Jessica that broke the silence.

"I won't see you again until the train ride, will i see you there" she turned her body to face Bella, Bella just nod her head. "Then you ride across from black lake and then you get sorted," she paused. "what house do you want to be in Bella, you have never said"

Bella turned her head to face Jessica.

"Everyone keeps saying my mother was a witch and my father was a wizard, i want to be like them. I don't know who they are, what they did and why they are not caring for me but i want to make them proud. Make at least my family proud and if i can't do that then what can i do?"

"Bella, no matter what house your in, i will not hate you for it. If anyone hates you for it, i will be the first to slap them across the face"

Bella took a deep breath.

"No matter what?"

"No matter what"

There was a long silence, until Jessica could hear the gentle snores from Bella.

"I promise"

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