Chapter 37 - Who?

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I want you guys... to... leave a guess on who that person who keeps asking to be defeated is. Leave a suggestion! Thanks! (I think I know who..... lol)

Y/n's POV
I sighed as the ogre finally set me down in front of the exit to the tunnel. Evan was snickering behind me, as Delirious jumped for the third tome, because a so-called mouse was scurrying under his feet. Mini and Wildcat were doubling over in laughter.

"So... where are we again?" I asked, completely confused. The ogre grunted, kicking at a wall. "Where is it....? Ah! Here we are!" He grinned as he kicked a muddy wall, and watched as it caved in and covered his foot in soot and mud.

"... And you'll fit through, how?" I asked, gesturing to the size of the small hole he had kicked in. "Easy." He snorted, grabbing out a small satchel of what appeared to be some sort of dust. He sprinkled it above his head, and I watched in amazement as he began to shrink. Soon, he was only up to my calf and fit into the hole easily. However, he had dropped the bag of magical dust behind him. I chucked a handful of dust and the guys and watched as they shrunk suddenly, making them gasp in shock.

"Wh-- Hey! Y/n!" Vanoss snarled at me from down below. I laughed, sprinkling some over my head and felt myself shrink, or at least, the world suddenly began to grow. I giggled,leaving the dust outside as I followed them inside. The new land was astounding to my eyes. Large, turquoise trees littered the scene as small, punny dragonflies zoomed around, roaring and shooting fire from their mouths. We stood in a field of normal tree sized flowers, each covered in thorns. I smiled and began to skip through the field, passing small elf-like children.

"This is so cool!" I squeaked, waving to everyone I passed. A certain man, the only one who stood out, was frowning. Even though everyone else around him was smiling, he wasn't. He wore a cloak, however, so it was hard to tell. Before I could say anything, he fled into the flower field.

"Strange..." I muttered, starting to slow my pace. We finally spotted the ogre, talking to another ogre-like man. He was taller, with a nose ring. ".... She the one?" He grunted, gesturing to me. "Yeah, trust me. She still needs help, however." The first ogre grunted, and shoved past him. I crept toward the first ogre, wincing under the taller ones gaze.

"Woah..." I breathed, as we finally made it into the open. A tall, rustic castle towered over us, as Delirious gawked like a fish. Evan walked passed me, jumping the first wall with ease. Wildcat followed, helping Mini up after him. Delirious got a running start, and leapt over, the wall narrowly missing his leg. I sighed, climbing up after them. The ogre just laughed at how pathetic I looked, but I was out of stamina from that blast of water and the energy drain it costs me.

"Alright!" I huffed, setting myself down carefully. I was now almost at the doors to the castle, as the ogre walked through a gate. That was a wasted effort, on my behalf. I watched as the ogre opened the doors and bowed, sarcastically, causing me to smirk and walk inside as if I were a princess. I am a princess.

"So... who're we looking for, again?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "The Queen?" Evan grinned. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that one." I sighed, following the massive, oversized orc.

I spotted the cloaked man again, only, sneaking around in the shadows. I was about to call out to him when he, yet again, vanished. I felt someone nudge me, as I turned around to meet Evans concerned gaze. "Something wrong?" He asked. I shook my head, blatantly lying. "Nothing is wrong! Haha!..." I began to fiddle. He shrugged, ignoring it.

We came across something similar to my throne room, only a different set of colour and style. I saw a lovely, young looking maiden sitting on the largest chair, the one for the most royal of the bloodline. "Oh, hello. Who might you five be?" She asked, smiling. "I-I..." I stopped, suddenly recognizing her. The short, light brown hair... the emerald green eyes.... Queen Mai, of the enchanting kingdom. I bowed, confusing my fellow friends. I kicked Evan in the shin, as he doubled over in pain. Looked like he was bowing, anyway.

"Ms... Ms Mai! Terribly sorry for my rudeness, Madam." I trembled, excited to meet a Queen at last, and also scared of her reaction. "No need to bow, Princess Y/n!" She laughed, stepping down from her throne. Evan groaned, lightly punching me on the shoulder. "What was that for...?" He grunted, straightening up. I huffed, rolling my eyes. "What brings you children here?" She smiled.

"Oh, U-uh... we accidentally fell... down here?" I laughed nervously. I saw her eyes widen in excitement. "The floor caved in on you, correct?!" She inquired, bouncing around. I nodded, confused. "Elementals!" She gasped, eyes glittering. I was now utterly confused. "Yeah....?" Suddenly I thought of a good pun. "WATER you getting at?" I stifled a laugh as everyone in the room either snickered or groaned at my idiotic pun. The Queen stiffened, before glaring. "Haha, funny." She sighed.

"Anyway, answer my question...? Please?" I asked awkwardly. "Oh! I'd continue on, but... I'd like to know... DEW you know of the enemy kingdom to all?" She giggled slightly. Everyone else sighed. "Of course, WATER-ver do they want from you?" I snickered. "They dislike us, LAKE we ever did anything to them!" She snorted. I grinned. "DAMnit! Who do they think they are?! They're being such BEACHES!!" I laughed aloud. People continued to die inside as we continued our banter.

"We've had to set up walls everywhere and hide, because CURRENTly we have no OTTER options!" She chuckled lightly. "... Before we go on, I'm getting TIDE of stupid water puns." I giggled. "Oh, that was such a SHALLOW comment!" The Queen laughed. "... If I hear another water pun I'mma have a SEAzure!" Delirious joined in. "... And the puns were FLOWing nicely until you decided to ruin it." The Queen and I both chorused in laughter.

"I'm currently PONDereing why you guys exist." Delirious grumbled. "There's no FISHue with our existence!" The Queen acted offended. "WHALE, we have most DOLPHINetly been making too much water puns. Or me, at least." I cracked up in laughter. "... EEL only stop if you stop." The Queen snickered. "Excuse me? Water puns are my poliSEA!" I doubled over in laughter, alongside the Queen. Evan was bashing his head on the wall as Tyler sobbed into Mini's shoulder.

"SEA? People are crying over this!" The Queen choked out. "Stop trying to get me to stop joking around, OAR you'll regret it!" Delirious was suffocating in his own laughter. "Salmon, help me!" He cried. "Wait-- I didn't even mean to do that." He frowned. "You didn't do that on porpoise?" The Queen asked, almost completely serious. "Oh god! You're doing it too!" I cried, laughing as I fell backwards. "I'm glad I got the op-perch-tuna-ty to say all those puns, but this is getting out of hand." I sighed.

It's become a rowtine to just sink of water puns so quickly!... The fact that I keep making water puns is unjuicetafyable. I'll go krill myself if I make another pun without it being on porpoise. My self-esteam is lowering by the pun. Calm down, inhail, and exh-- Oh my God. Ice simply don't know how I can kelp doing this. My sanity is raining out. I'm dead.

Word count: 1317 words.

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