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"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
Matthew 11:28-30

As a college student, I found myself struggling so hard to survive.
I felt so burdened with all the paper works, projects, lessons to be studied, and many activities to be done.

When I entered college, time management was hard. I found it hard because it is a transition period, also an adjustment period.

During this time, I found myself crying day and night.

I even told myself,

"I don't want to continue doing this anymore.

This burden felt so heavy.

I want to give up."

I know the battle just started, but I really wanted to give up right at that very moment.

But someone told me,

" Don't be a loser! If you'll give up now, what future awaits you ? Be a fighter ! Think of the reasons why you are doing that!  And above all, think of higher being who gives you strength to continue doing that! Know that God is with you!  GOD is with you! Don't you ever try to forget that."

Maybe all the burdens in school at that moment made me forget the reasons why I am studying. I've got so focused on all the burdens, thus, forgetting the mighty one who's the only solution to make this burden lighter.

It was wrong. I was wrong. Very wrong.

So now, I always lift up all my burdens to the Lord. I let him take the wheel.
I'll follow his lead, for he will never lead me wrong.

I am still in college. I am not done yet. I'm still halfway there. I know there are still greater burdens that I am going to face, burdens that I need to embrace. Each time I felt like giving up, I'll just leave it all to God.

I am not perfect, I can be broken easily by all these burdens, that's why I need GOD.


Whatever burdens you are dealing with now, leave it all to GOD!  Brothers and Sisters, GOD has the power to lighten our burdens!  Great is HE! 


May the LORD's loving touch take all your burdens away. Stay Blessed ! ♡

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