chapter 1- Cassie meet Clair

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"Cassie Anna-Maria Daniels get out of your bedroom now” "I’m coming mum I’m coming  ... have you seen my phone" there was a few seconds of silence ' MUM have you seen my phone' " um yes darling its um here with me" I ran down the stairs my phone was my life my secrets my embarrassing moments my everything was on that phone and it was not for my mother to see or touch. “what did you do to my phone mum" as I hugged my phone close to my chest “nothing baby  ... I’m serious you have a lock and no matter how many times I tried it was not my birthday date!" "Mum just don’t touch my phone again please'. I ran back up the stairs to my room I chucked my phone onto my bed and walked into my closet to get dressed. As you may know my name is Cassie I live a pretty privileged life style my mum is a Chinese model and fashion designer and TV host and actress, my dad owns a lot of businesses around the world hence the fact why he’s never home. I’m half black half Chinese well quarter my mum is half black and half Chinese. All my life I’ve been told I’m beautiful I’m charming I’m special I never took notice of it much I just took them as compliments but when I started Highland's school private school for rich and famous I learnt to take advantage of what my mother gave me .

On my first day of Highlands i was 16 i had done homeschooling and so that i was not ani social my mum made me join a lot of clubs around i had a lot of friends all who was rich and every time i mentioned the fact i was going to Highlands they would just say ima miss the old you Cassie I never really under stood what they meant and shrugged it off. anyway on my first day as I walked through the halls of highland i saw instantly how things worked everyone was grouped into there own set of people and to everyone i was an outcast . I walked in the school with my head held high and my heals were the only sound you could hear on the ground as I mad my entrance a bunch of girls looked at me and i gave them a smile letting them know this was just the start of me .

"hello I'm Sophia whats your name"

"Um Cassie "

"Your really brave to look at those girls like that "

"how am i brave exsactly'

"Clair Davis ,Gail Taylor and Whitney Thomas are the school meanest but prettiest girls and none dares looks at them unless they let you look at them"

"that's just ridiculous i will look at whoever i please to look at"

" wow ! your my inspiration ,that was a joke.. so what mad you want to come to Highlands"

" well my mum wants me to experience high school so i came and thought it will be fun

" okay odd but cool so how are you rich esactly'

'my mum is Ashanti lee Daniels and my dad owns t.v stations banks and random things'

The whole corridor was silent  that blond girl was staring dead in my eye i smiles at her waved my perfectly manicured fingers at her and i mouthed to her " yep i here to stay bitch"

Clair Davis POV:

Arggh who does she think she is that horrible slut and who cares if she may be one of the richest teenager is L.A she did not need to scream it out to the whole damn world . There's two ways i can go around this be friends with her and  not like her or act like a total bitch and make her life a living hell. yes i was gonna make that bitch pay for dis respecting me.

She was walking around the school in her Prada heals and her tight mini skirt oh i hated her and i knew just how i would sort this girl out .

"omg that girl has super cute shoes .. omg shes like mega hot .. omg Clair shes richer than you and like shes like so much more hotter than you , at this rate doll Jason gonna want the little Chinese girl not you"

" Whitney your so stupid just shut up and i have those shoes its so last year .. what is she looking at she is so ugly"

' ohhh shes coming here Clair i like her , her walk her bounce shes very cute omg is that the new Alexander McQueen bag omg its not even in stores yet omg clair she walking our way "

"Whitney shut the hell up to blond bimbo'

 ' Hi my name is Whitney is your bag real' what the hell just happened somehow lost in my thoughts the new girl has walked over and her and Whitney have walked off talking about shoes I turnt around to gail who was texting on her phone she smiled then laughed to herself then text-ed again.

" who are you talking to gail'

" no one sheesh why are you so nosey Clair" and she stormed off i stood there stunned at what just happened everyone was staring at me it was the first time in a long time i was seen all by myself i stood up strait and snapped at the people ' what the hell are you looking at" everyone moved quickly to there next lessons . I saw Sophia closing her locker if I'm correct she was just talking to the new girl.

"hello Sophia ( big fake smile)

"sorry i need to go Clair"

" wait i just want to ask a few questions like who's the new girl"

"*sigh* her name is Cassie Daniels here mum is Ashanti lee Daniels that model actress designer etc she moved here coz she thought it would be fun'

' so shes never been to a school befor'

" i dunno all she said was shes been home schooled for a while now move i need to get to my social studies before I'm late"

' hey this is the only time ima let you talk to me like that remember who i am I'm Clair Davis top girl in this school"

why am i talking to an empty corridor.

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