Chapter 13

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Marie pov
It's been about 4 months and I'm pregnant with a boy I already have a name for him and I know he finna be cute I live with Mateo and the girls are doing great but yes bye

Alani:mommy can we go to the park

Marie:yeah let's get u dressed


She goes to get alani ready in

Marie: Lei come here I gotta get u ready

Leilani:ok *runs in her room*

Marie gets her ready in

She then did their hair the same

Marie:ok mommy has to get ready so just go downstairs ok

The girls:ok mommy

She gets dressed in

She walks downstairs grabs her keys and tells the girls to come on and they leave and go to the park

Marie:ok guys stay where I can see u ok

Girls:yes ma'am

They get out the car and they run to the park

Marie helps alani on the slide and she slides down and then she goes back to the top and sits down on the floor

Marie:what u doing Mamas

Alani:I go swing

Marie:ok come on princess

They walk to the swings and she put her in a swing and pushes her back and forth

Leilani:mommy how old are u


Leilani:because I want to see if you are Younger than her mommy *points to a little girl*,

Marie:how old is her mommy


Marie: damn but I'm 25 now

Leilani:ok Mommy *runs off*

Marie:*gets a call from Mateo*

Marie: hello

Mateo:hey baby where y'all at

Marie:the park

Mateo:oh ok we should go out tonight

Marie:nah I'm pregnant

Mateo:no not clubbing just out to dinner

Marie:oh ok yeah we can then

Mateo:ok then hurry home and get u and the girls ready dress nice


Mateo:ok bye baby

Marie:bye baby

They hang up

She gets the girls and they go back home and she gets Leilani ready in

She gets the girls and they go back home and she gets Leilani ready in

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And alani ready in

Then she gets ready in

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Then she gets ready in

Me and the girls go out side to see a limo so we get in and seen teo

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Me and the girls go out side to see a limo so we get in and seen teo

Marie:aww baby this so cute

Mateo:thanks it's for y'all oh and y'all look beautiful as always

Marie:aww thanks

Girls:thanks daddy

Mateo:I want y'all all to put on these blindfolds *hands them one*

Marie:*puts on the girls and then hers*

They go to a big fancy fun place with games,food,and prizes

Mateo:*helps Marie out then the girls and takes their blindfolds off*

Marie:omg it's looks so fucking lit


They go in and they take the kids to go play and they were doing a competition and then after that they went and got food and then Mateo got on one knee while she wasn't looking

Leilani:umm mommy* points to Mateo*

Mateo:I fell in love as soon as I set eyes on u I thought u were beautiful and just perfect I love u too much but u should know what I'm trynna say MARIE WILL YOU MARRY ME??

Marie:yes yes yes *cries*

Mateo:*hugs her*I love u

I hope this day was fun but if u guys are done we can go home


They finished eating and went home

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