The Purge: Chapter Ten

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Jimin's pov

It was a dream after all but why did I shout Hyoyoung instead of Angel?

"Woah dude calm down, they're at Jungkook's room having some fun" Namjoon said through the earpiece, I don't know why but I felt jealous all of the sudden, I quickly got up and made my way to Jungkook's room, I knocked and opened it already since no one was answering

They're not here!

"Hyung, check the other cameras, are you sure they're in the room?" I asked through the earpiece

"I'm pretty sure they are, they told me so" He said as I heard a chuckle

"Wait- Hyoyoung are you there?" I said through the earpiece

"Yah just aim it correctly!" I heard her shout, where is she?!

"I think they're behind the bookshelf" Namjoon said as I walked towards the bookshelf, I pulled the book Jungkook told me and it was actually his favorite comic, the bookshelf slides to the left as a the keypad appeared

"Fuck, I forgot the password" I said and ruffled my hair

"Anyone who knows the password?" I asked through the earpiece

"I think it's his birthday" Suga answered

"No, it was the date he got his first gun" Jin said

"I think it's his name" Taehyung and Hobi said

"Bitch please, it's kookie spelled backwards" Namjoon said as I typed what he said

The door opened and revealed them laughing with each other

Why do I feel hurt even though I have my eyes and heart on someone else?

"Oh Jimin" Jungkook said as Hyoyoung looked at me

"What are you doing here?, Alone?" I said and Hyoyoung chuckled

"Well this infant over here wants to learn about knives" She said and lightly hit Jungkook's arm

"Yah Infant?!" Jungkook protested as Hyoyoung turned to look at the red dot, yup there were no knives and all of them are at the floor

I lowered my head and thought about things

Stop being jealous

You promised Angel

"Is there something wrong Jimin?" Hyoyoung asked as I lifted my head and flashed them a smile

"I want to learn seonsaengnim" I said and bowed as she chuckled

"Don't worry haksaeng, I'll make sure that this seonsaengnim will make you better on using knives" Hyoyoung said that made the three of us chuckle


Jiyeong's pov

"Minha was killed sir" I looked up to see Hyo Rin lowering her head

"Aish weak, send them another person and make sure that I'll get Hyoyoung" I said as she looked at me

Yah that's right Myungsoo, it's your family's fault, my sister was killed because of you and your stupid rule, now it's my turn to return the price

"Sir, Hyoyoung is missing" She said making me smirk

"Maybe Minha got the chance to kill her" I said and chuckled

"No sir, I heard that Minha was stabbed before she can kill Hyoyoung, that means someone saved her" Hyo rin said making my blood boil

"Find Hyoyoung, hold her hostage until Myungsoo comes here to save her, then we'll proceed to the plan" I said as she nodded before vanishing at my sight

Just so you wait Myungsoo

You'll beg for mercy

Seokjin's pov

It's boring here

I tried moving my foot and tried to stand up but ended up falling at the floor

"Yah Jin!" I looked up to see Hyoyoung as she assisted me to stand up

"Yah you're still not fully healed, just stay here" She said as I hugged her to show my gratitude but was taken aback when I felt a sharp thing in her waist

"Oh sorry" She lifted her shirt up until her waist was seen

It has three knives in different sizes and a gun, she smiled and slowly folded her sleeves as another knife was seen, my eyes widen when she fully took her sweater and her weapons at her waist, she took off her shirt and I closed my eyes, I heard her chuckle

"It's ok, open your eyes" I did what she said and she was wearing a bulletproof vest, I chuckled to myself as she placed her shirt back and the weapons in her waist as she covered it with a sweater

"That's too ma-" She cutted me off when she placed her index finger at my lips

She folded her pants and a knife was there

"Ok done" She said and smiled innocently

"You're bragging about it" I said and she pouted

"I was" She said and smiled again

I lowered my head as she looked at me puzzled

"I want to help you, wait until I can run again and we'll help you" I said and she smiled

"It's ok" She said and smiled

"Oh by the way, I have something to give you" I opened the small box at my coffee table and gave the necklace to her

"What's this?" She asked eyeing the necklace

"That necklace has a microchip in it, we can locate you're location by the help of that" I said and she smiled before putting it on

"I appreciate it Jin-ah" She said and smiled

"Yah, it's $10,000" I said and showed her my palm

She stucked her tongue out and I chuckled

"Fine you can keep it" I said and she smiled

She reminds me of my sister

"Thank yo-" She was cutted off when something shot her, my eyes widen and saw a tranquilizer bullet at her back, I looked around and saw men slowly approaching us, I tried to reach my earpiece to call Namjoon but it was too late when all suddenly turned black

Author's pov
Well ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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