YouTube Baby!

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So... I'm going to start making YouTube videos! I'm super excited about that (If you couldn't tell).

I made a script to kind of go off of when I do my videos I was wondering if you guys could criticize it. -_(0_0)_-

Hello, my loves! I am CRPY D or oh_god_imfangirling if that's what you know me as. Although I have many names, I'd appreciate it if you would just call me CRPY. I've been asked why my name is weird so I'll start with telling you why I'm CRPY D. Last year I was thinking about making a YouTube channel, but my dilemma was what can I offer you guys. I decided upon DIY videos, I was going to call myself Crapy DIY'S initially, BUT I spelled crapy without the "a". I liked it and spent the rest of the time in the library saying, CRPY DIY'S.

A few weeks ago I had decided that I am going to read Wattpad stories aloud. If you don't already know, I am a teenager aspiring to be a writer and a cellular and molecular biologist. A cellular and molecular biologist is someone who works in a cancer research center to find a cure. I have always wanted to help people but when I was nine years old I wanted to cut my hair, my mom suggested that I donate it. I agreed but I was super excited that I told my friend. She said, "Who cares about those stupid sick kids anyways." The same day I lopped off all my hair and donated it. I have donated my hair several times since. That started my want to fix it or superman syndrome as my mother calls it. Ever Since then I have been reading college level biology books and other books to enhance my knowledge.

I probably sound like a nerd and by reading my stories I'm sure you'd think I text things like TTYL but I write on my phone. My hands fly over keyboards too fast for my phone to register that I pressed the button the spell check thinks it will be fun to change all of my words. My last few chapters have been a little different since I started using talk to text.I used to hate reading and writing but last year I was going through a hard time. Seven miles away was the Holbrook Library and I started reading a metric crap ton. The limit for books was 52 and I almost exceeded that limit once. I read all of my books in a week on top of school and work. I found that Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Janet Evanovich and a few other writers are where it was all at. Writing became something I did after writing a few letters to my friends in Idaho.

Then I got an idea and it blossomed into Costco which is my main story that I work on. My mom writes poems so I made her an account so she could get over her "stage fright". I started drawing as well so don't be surprised if I take a day and do a sketchbook tour every now and again. I am a crow and if you don't know what that means then I'll put a link in the description. This is not just me rattling off I swear, I just want you guys to get to know me a little better. I made a list of hopes for my channel and I will put the picture in near the end. Don't laugh when you see it though. I'm kidding, laugh all you want, I'm not your momma. Oh, by the way, the pictures you guys are seeing are from my bike rides and flowers from my yard. Just a little nature, don't mind me.

I LOVE black butler and other anime because my motto is that there are no bad anime just different tastes in it. I watch other anime and role play AND cosplay as some of my favorite characters. So far I can do Ciel, Alois, Mey-Rin, and the butlers. I'm short though and that is my downfall. I'm a whopping 5'3 and 146Lbs. I'm an antisocial outcast or a S.A.M. if that's what you would prefer to consider me as. A S.A.M. is a Socially Awkward Misfit. I met my two best friends online when we were rp'ing their names are Aaron and Gracy, I love them to death and if anyone tries to harm them they will have to go through me first.

You can bully me but when it comes to other people you better take a few steps back and start running. I have no tolerance for rude, bigoted people. Threats don't scare me because I'm not afraid to fight for what I believe in. I would consider myself somewhat of a feminist but I'm not saying this so you hate me because I'm not. I'm not an extremist because that's what the "feminists of today" are. I believe in equal rights even if it doesn't better me as a person. The same amount of jail/prison time should be given to women as it is to men. If you don't agree with that I would be happy to talk about it but I'm not fighting about it.

About sexualities, I am a little indifferent since I am in GSA but I don't have any attraction to anyone. I guess that makes me Asexual but I have no friggin idea. I have been attracted to men and women before but I was never driven by lust to be attracted. I am attracted to mentally beautiful people. Evidently, I have turned a few people into lesbians and bisexuals. I'm still a little confused on how though. Maybe I have a booming personality.

My friends and I are like glow sticks, you gotta break a little before you shine. Sometimes the strongest people are the most damaged. I am considered strong and I have a few skeletons in my closet but I don't let them affect me in any way shape or form. I was told by a girl that I was strong and shouldn't have to be. I WAS RAISED TO BE STRONG! HULK SMASH! Physically, I don't know how no one has kidnaped me yet, I am not very heavy and I am a very weak person. Mentally, I go through more in a week than some kids go through in a year.

Well, I just talked about myself so you guys can get to know me. I hope you like my videos I will post in the future. Thank you loves.  

I have 45 minutes to talk because I have a slideshow type video. I don't want them to see who I am and just get used to my voice. The pictures will just be from my bike rides and stuff. 

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