Chapter 2:

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She jumps awake to a loud noise. It takes a moment for her to remember that she is in London and not back there. Another knock "House keeping" says a woman's voice. Opening the door she is blinded by the bright sun. "Good morning, house keeping?" says the small dark haired woman with a smile on her older face. " Umm no thank you, just some fresh towels, please." Rylie replies. The woman hands Rylie the towels and Rylie returns to the darkness of her hotel room.

Falling back on her bed, running her hands through her long tangled hair. She sighs and says time to get this day started. Hopping up she goes and retrieves her make-up bag. Pulling the brush through her mahogany locks she decides for a bun to keep it out of her face. Looking at her hazel eyes she decides to go simple and adds a little mascara to make her long lashes pop. A little lip gloss to add shine to her naturally mauve full lips. That"ll do she sighs.

Retrieving a pair of black slacks and a white short sleeved blouse from her bag, she pulls out the hotels iron and removes the wrinkles the garments acquired from being in her small bag. Pairing the outfit with some small black heels, she adds a pair of diamond stud earrings and glances in the mirror one last time before walking out of her small hotel room. At least it isn't raining she thought as she headed to the office at the front of the run down hotel.

As she walked into the office of the hotel the woman behind the counter looked up noticeably not happy with the interruption. Smiling Rylie asked "Do you know where there might be an opening somewhere, I need to find work, close by would be best since I don't have a car yet." Relaxing a bit the woman replies " Yeah my brother runs a club called LeFreaks its up a few blocks on the left and I know he was looking for help a bit ago, not sure if he still is but try there." " Thank you so much!" Rylies says smiling almost giddy. "yeah no problem." the woman says looking back down at whatever had, had her attention before Rylie came in.

Walking about three blocks Rylie spots the sign for LeFreaks across the street. Straightening her clothes and adding a bit more lip gloss she carefully crosses and heads for the door hoping someone is there as it is only 10am. Pulling on the handles she smiles with relief to find it open. As her eyes adjust to the dime light inside she sees a man behind a bar to the right. She takes a minute to enjoy the view. He is handsome in his early 30s with ginger hair a strong jaw and a few tattoos showing from beneath the sleeve of his black t-shirt.

Startling her from her staring he says "We are closed hun, can I help you with something?" Stumbling a bit as she walks forward she replies "Umm yeah I heard you might be looking for some help." "Do you have any experience with bartending or waiting tables?" he asked. Now standing in front of him she puts on her best smile as answers " Not bartending to much but I have waited tables before." Looking her up and down smiling he asks "And what brings a little American girl all the way across the pond?" Adjusting the front of her shirt. "Does it matter?" "No I guess not , as long as your not running from the law or something." he laughs. "No not running from the law." she laughs too.

"Alright then, now that, that is settled." continuing to laugh he reaches under the bar and pushes some papers across to her. "Fill these out and we will see what we can do." "I'm Rick by the way." he says reaching out his hand. She shakes his hand. "I'm Rylie." she says noticing how his eyes look like the sky on a clear spring day. She reaches over the bar smiling up at Rick to take a pen from the cup sitting next to the register. A few minutes later she returns the pen and hands the papers to Rick with a shy smile. "This a good number, I can reach you whenever?" he asks. Nodding her head she replies "Yes of course." "Ok Ill see what I have available as soon as I have a minute and give you a call."

  With that she thanks him and walks back out into the daylight. As she began to walk back to the hotel her stomach protests stopping she looks around for somewhere to grab something to eat. Spotting a small cafe' on the corner she heads there. Once inside she purchases a small coffee and a muffin. Pulling out her notebook and pen she wrote about her first morning in London as she ate her late breakfast.

  Walking back to the hotel she takes her time looking around, examining her new home. The buildings are old and worn but still hold so much beauty. The ground is littered and there is graffiti on some of the buildings. She makes a mental note of the small shop on the corner as that is most likely where she will get any supplies she might need.

 Walking into her room she sets her phone down on the small table sitting near the window with two chairs on either side. Willing her phone to ring with a call from Rick she decided since she will be here awhile she might as well unpack. Neatly refolding some of her clothes she places them into the small dresser under the TV. Her nicer things she hangs on the hangers provided in the make shift closet.

 Last but not least she sits a picture of her and Josh taken the day he left their foster home beside her bed on the small nightstand. Done now what.... I guess I'll read a bit she thinks and settles on the bed opening her book.

 She starts to wake , the room darker than when she laid down. Her book is on the floor where it fell from her hand and her phone is ringing. "Shit!" reaching for her phone. "Hello?" "Hey, is this Rylie?" "Yeah. yeah. hey sorry I guess I fell asleep." nervously laughing not sure why she decided to share that.  "Umm ok it's Rick, I'm calling to see if you can come in tomorrow for some training?" he asks. 

 "Yes of course, What time?" she asks. After they discuss the time and uniform she thanks him for the hundredth time, then  hangs up. Lucky for her he said she could wear just about anything. T-shirts with the clubs name on it would be provided to her tomorrow. After ordering a pizza and calling Josh to give him the good news she showers and settles in to watch TV until she falls asleep.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Again I'm very new at this. Also NONE of the places that are in this story are real, except of course London lol. I did not research the area either so if you are looking for something familiar to some where you know you will not find it, if you do it is purely coincidental. Thank u xoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2018 ⏰

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