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 "Okay, so..." Hoseok started when they were both sitting on the edge of his bed, awkwardly not looking at each other and just staring at their hands because of what had just happened. "You like me?"

"I do," Gingerboy admitted although it was already clear enough since he had made a move kissed Hoseok.

"Why? Or like, since when?" Hoseok was full of questions but at the same time he was starting to understand some things. For example when they were at the park and Gingerboy seemed to be jealous of Sumin approaching Hoseok, it was because he liked him, not her.

"I don't know. My feelings have just been growing stronger every time I see you," Ginger was quiet and he wasn't using his own slang like he usually did. Hoseok felt bad for him. When Ginger had kissed him, Hoseok had taken a while to react and calmly push him away. Gingerboy had looked like he was full of guilt straight away but he wasn't surprised as if he had been expecting for Hoseok to do that.

"I'm sorry Gallagher..." Hoseok muttered and put his hands in his hair and pulling it to express his frustration of not knowing what to do now. "I wish I could give you a chance but I have someone else."

"I know... It's Hyungwon, isn't it?" Gingerboy sighed and could notice Hoseok slightly nodding. "I should have realized that but my mind just kept denying that it's true."

"It's alright. I understand you," Hoseok didn't understand but he just wanted Gingerboy to feel better. Why the hell would Gingerboy like him out of everyone. Why was everyone suddenly liking him when all his life no one had ever shown any interest towards him.

"I'm really sorry," Gingerboy finally raised his head and looked at Hoseok. "Can we act like nothing happened?"

"Yes," Hoseok lied - it would be hard to act like that and they would probably be awkward around each other for a while.

"Please don't tell Hyungwon or he will kill me," Gingerboy really seemed to be afraid of Hyungwon when he thought about what the older guy would do if he knew.

Hoseok didn't say anything. He was thinking deep. He knew he needed to tell Hyungwon because if he didn't and the truth would come up from somewhere else, Hyungwon would hate him. Then again he didn't want to tell, thinking about how mad Hyungwon would be at him and Ginger.

"Sleep well," he said instead and walked out from the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as he got out, he let out a deep breath and leaned against the wall.

He walked to a couch and laid down on it, covering himself with a rug. While Gingerboy was sleeping like a log, Hoseok couldn't fall asleep for several hours. His mind was a complete mess and he felt so uneasy he wanted to just run away and hide from his problems.


In the morning he woke up early because his mother came in the living room and turned a TV on. He wasn't really feeling tired but still didn't have energy to move his body.

"What are you doing here? Go sleep in your own room," his mother snapped at him when she noticed that he had woken up. Hoseok groaned and with a lot of struggle, managed to get himself up from the couch. He walked to his room.

Gingerboy was still in deep sleep and Hoseok didn't want to wake him up so he did the same thing he had done with Hyungwon and took out his books to start studying. He took the same books he had had the last time and continued writing where he had left off. Hyungwon had back then made fun of the things he had written but he continued in the same way.

He had an exam coming up the next week and if he could do at least a bit better from his usual level and get himself up a few places, maybe the teachers and principal would forget about contacting his parents. He wondered if he could ask help with cheating from Jooheon but decided he would only do that if he got really desperate.

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