Chapter 1 - Dakota&Robbie POV

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Dakota POV

Chapter 1 -


His curly Brown hair contrasts perfectly with his light green eyes, and his pale skin. I scanned my eyes over the rest of his body; you could see well defined muscles showing through his grey and white t-shirt. he was defiantly tall, he appeared to be at least 5'11 or something around that size.

"Like what you see, baby" He sked with a melting-heart smirk planted on his face

of course,the gorgeous boys are always jerks. This disappointed thought in my mind. Not that i need/want a guy in my life right now, i like to have a sense of freedom, i like to be by myself.

"I did" i started "then you opened your mouth" i finished with a smirk of my own. i quickly turned back around in my seat on the bench. I could only wish that he isn't stuck in this horrible airport along with me.

But ... A small part of me kinda hoped he was stuck.. here.. with me.

I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and continued to stare in front of me.

In surprise i jumped back into my seat when the man popped into my line of vision, his eyes seemed to sparkling with a new kind of happiness i have never seen placed into someone's eyes before.

"May i help you" i asked, rather rudely.

"Well, sorry, is all i wanted to say" his eyes held sincerity, he seemed to be really easy for me to be read; like a open book/

"For?" i questioned, raising one eyebrow at the gorgeous man.

He chuckled nervously, succeeding in sending shives down my own spine, "For whatever has made you hate me all of a sudden" he smiled a blinding smile, showing off his straight white teeth.

"Whatever" i shrugged. i moved my eyes away from his, looking towards the airport signs.

"So.. im Robbie. You are" he said taking a seat oddly close to me.

"Dakota" i stated as i moved an inch further away.

"Never heard that name before, is it from a different language"He trailed off, obviously waiting for me to fill in the gaps. Its odd, usually i would have kicked him where it hurts by now but, this boy, correction,man is different. i seemed to kind of.. enjoy him presence.

 "Latin" I moaned"Hey, you seem like a nice guy" i said trying not to get lost in his deep brown eyes.

"But, i would rather not talk to you, neither anyone else by that matter." i said as i starred into his orbs. Losing myself in process, he began to lean forwards not losing eye contact with me. I could smell his mint breathe touching my skin.

"You cant get rid of me that easily" he whispered into my ear so soft that i had to strain my ears to hear.  Shivers running all down my body.

"I knew it wouldnt be that easy" i mutter to myself once he pulled away.

His light chuckle filled in the brief silence that took over between us for a second. "You thought correct" a smug smile lighting up his features.

I sighed in defeat " why do i always attract the weirdo's?" i mumbled to myself. His light laughter once again made my stomach melt in a puddle of hot goo.

"I may be a weirdo, but at least i am hot" He winked in my direction. While i silently agreed with him.

"Yeah, but you could bring down you're a ego a notch or two" i mused. He shrugged if he couldn't care less, While i just studied his beautiful face... I shook my head at the compliment i just thought of for Robbie.

I don't like how this strange,who is very  cocky and self confident too much, has this weird effect on me... It frightens me.

"Um.. i have to go to the restroom.." i struggled to make up a believe able excuse.He nodded his head in acknowledgement. I sighed before un-crossing me legs and hopping up from the hard bench.

I really did have to go to the restroom, i just didnt plan on going back to Robbie.

Robbie's POV (Before He Met Her) 

I glance around the busy airport, different scents attacking my nose , succeeding in giving me a headache.

"I need a coffee" i mumbled to myself. I took off in a slow walk going in whatever direction the scent of coffee is leading me.

Walking past many shops i stopped outside my designated place. Coffee shop. I pushed open the door as the bell went off, alerting others that a new costumer has arrived.

Walking toward the counter i stopped to glance at the menu, even though i already know exactly what i want to drink.

"Can i help you?" Purred a lady from behind the counter, her blond hair reaching past her breast, i sighed usually i would be interested but, for the past couple of months i have been craving a mate, the girl bound to me from birth, i desperately want a girl to call mine, to protect from other males, other people and the things i am formulae with. Someone i could love with everything i have.

As you may have partly worked out yes. I'm a werewolf. Nobody knows, apart from my family..

"Yes, how about a regular coffee?" i gave her my order, not long after she came back holding a steamy cup of sweet smelling coffee.

"If you need anything else.. let me know" she purred. I smirked at her before turning and walking out the door, coffee in hand.

Immediately different scents waffled to my nose, but before i could tune them out i caught smell of a indicating smell. The scent sent my wolf in a frenzy, my nose insists kick in and i absent-minded floated through the crowd of people, stopping out of my trance like state only when a woman's voice sounded through the intercom.

I barley herd the woman as she announced my flight to Michigan was cancelled for the time being. I continued my walk till i found the source of the intoxicating scent.

Sitting on the bench was a teenage girl she seemed to be around 17 or 18 years old. Her brown hair, short just below the ears and soft curls framing around her face.

I chuckled as she yelled at the people giving her odd looks. She spun around at the sound of my laugh, i briefly made eye contact with the beautiful girl, and i instantly felt the pull towards her as all mate toward one another.

I felt my heart hammer in my chest, leaping with joy.

Have I finally found my mate?... 


Hope You Liked It.. 

Yeahhh Boiii Robbie Is AHHH .. And Yes He Is Arrogant  -____- But He's looking For Love


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