Everything Has Changed

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China's Pov

"Maria you have to stop this!! We have a daughter to raise. I don't want China growing up with a drug addict for a mother. She needs both of us. She's only 9 years old!!" my dad yelled.

"Leave me alone Johnathan! I'm a grown ass woman and you ain't my daddy!! China will be fine, she has you" my mom shouted.

"I can't raise her by myself. A girl needs her mother!" my dad snapped loudly causing me to cover my ears.

"What do you want me to do?!? This is me" she spat.

"This isn't you. Maria you need to go to rehab and get clean. Our daughter doesn't need a crackhead, she needs her mom" my dad breathed.

"I'm not going to that place. All they're going to do is tell me I have a problem and I don't. I can quit whenever I want but, I don't want to" my mom growled.

"Not even for your family" dad sighed.

They didn't know I was on the stairs listening. Dad told me it was rude to listen on other peoples conversations.

I didn't like it when my mom and dad argued so I decided to go to my secret place. Quietly I tiptoed down the stairs and out the front door.

Dad says I'm too young to go outside by myself but, I don't like the screaming. I walked down the street until I reached my special place. It was a park that my mom used to take me too when I was smaller. She doesn't do that anymore.

I went over to the little house and climbed up the ladder. When I got inside I saw a boy sitting there reading a book. He had brown hair with big glasses.

"Who are you?" I asked, not liking that he was in my secret place. The boy looked up surprised.

"M-My name is L-Lucas" he said staring at me.

"What are you doing in my secret place?" I questioned crossing my small arms.

"I-It was the o-only place I c-could find to r-r-read" he spoke.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you talk like that?" I asked sitting down beside him.

"I-I-It's c-called a s-stutter" he mumbled.

"Oh. Well I'm China" I told him.

"Hi" he said quietly clutching his book. It was bigger than the the Junie B. Jones ones I read at school.

"Is that book your reading good?" I wondered.

He just nodded his head causing his glasses to slide down his face. I scooted in front of him and pushed them up. His cheeks turned red and he bit his lip.

"Don't do that. My dad said you hurt yourself when you do that" I scolded and he stopped.

"W-What a-are you d-doing here?" he questioned looking at me. His eyes were brown like mine.

"My mom and dad were arguing so I decided to come to my secret place. My mom is doing something bad and my dad doesn't want her too" I cried.

"I-It's o-okay" he told me putting his book to the side.

Slowly he got up and gave me a hug. It was almost better than the ones my dad gave to me after I had nightmare.

"Thank you" I said smiling.

"Y-Your w-welcome" he spoke grinning.

We sat there looking at each other before his cheeks turned red again. Lucas went back over to his book and picked it up continuing to read.

"What's that book called?" I questioned sitting next to him.

"I-It's a-a-an E-Encyclopedia" he said.

"Encyclo-what?" I asked confused.

"I-It's a b-book about e-everything. I like r-r-reading them" he spoke.

"Oh. It's really big. Can you read it to me?" I questioned looking at him.
I gave him the puppy eyes. Like how I do to my dad when I want ice.cream.

"O-Okay" he whispered.

Excited I got comfortable and lied my head on his shoulder. Lucas turned red again but, I thought it was cute. He started reading to me. I didn't mind the way he talked.

After awhile I realized that my dad was probably looking for me so I decided it was time to go home. I didn't want to say goodbye to Lucas but, he needed to leave too.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay" I told him before kissing his cheek.

"O-Okay" he mumbled smiling.

"Bye, Lucas" I yelled running home.

I skipped up to my house and opened the door. My dad was sitting in the living room on the phone. He looked like he was crying.

"Daddy what's wrong?" I asked and he looked over to me.

"Never mind, I found her. Thank you officer" he spoke hanging up the phone. Dad ran over and picked me up hugging me.

"Dad are you okay?" I questioned.

"Don't ever leave this house again. I was so worried about you baby. I thought I had lost you" he cried.

"I'm sorry"I mumbled as we sat on the couch. I looked around waiting for my mom to come and yell at me.

"Where's mom?" I asked looking up at my dad.

"Princess, your mom....she left" he told me.

That moment right there is when everything changed. It was the ripple in my past that set in effect the person I became. In that moment the little girl inside me disappeared and nothing was going to bring her back.

First chapter. What you guys think? Most of my readers know I like to write how the main characters met and it's usually when they're kids. This gave you guys some background on how China becomes the way she is. So, does this book peek your interest.

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