Fairy Tail Academy

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Lucy's POV

..today is the day. The day I start what I dread but not for the reasons you may think. I will be starting my 1st day at Fairy Tail Academy. I already know what will happen. The bullies, the names, the playboys, the users, the loneliness...

The school has a uniform but I'm getting mine a little bigger so that it doesn't cling to my body and is just a bit baggy. Maybe that will hep me be invisible. Hopefully it works, I just want a education. I honestly don't mind school. I just don't like what comes with it, the drama. 


I never realized the school would be so big!! It has towers and has this kind of "mid-evil" vibe to it. Yet it seems to have so much life to it, so much better than that lonely place that I once called a "home"

I'm trying to find the office in this crowd of people when I ran into someone. He was handsome, but that's not what caught my attention. It was his cold touch. "I'm sorry!" He helped me up. "Watch where you're going next time" He started to walk away. But before he went to far, "Wait!" He turned his head acknowledging me. "um.. I'm new and I was wondering if you might be able to tell me where the office is?" I asked the stranger. He sighed, "follow me."  "Thank you, my name is Lucy."  "Gray Fullbuster"

We walked for a little while "Here's the office."  "Ok, thank you" He just shrugged it off and walked away. "Ok then." I walked up to the girl at the front desk, she seemed no older than me. She had blue hair and an orange head band with her uniform.

"Hello, I'm Levy McGarden, student helper. You must be the new student Lucy Ashley."  "Yup, that's me" I know what you're thinking, but hey, when your dad is super rich, you might want to hide that fact to other people. "Here's your schedule, by the looks of it, you have Language Arts 1st with Ms.Aries. Would you like me to show you to your class?" "Yes please, and thank you"

We walked down the long hallways until we stopped at a door to what I assume is my classroom. Levy opened the door to reveal many people talking and girls swooning over a guy with the weirdest colored hair I've ever seen. It was salmon. It looked interesting on a guy, but it's not bad on him. It makes him look, even more attractive.

Yes, Gray Fullbuster was indeed attractive, but in a 'not my type' kind of way. This guy however, was something different. The only thing that makes me think differently of him, the girls swooning over him. He seems like a playboy by that smirk on his face.

My thoughts were interrupted by the teacher talking. "H-hello, I'm Ms.Aries, your language arts teacher."

"I'm Lucy Ashley" It came out more timid that I thought it would be. Everyone continued their own conversations until a girl with really bright red hair noticed me. She saw the teacher struggling to get the student's attention. 

"Everyone, I would suggest you all close you mouths, face forward, and PAY ATTENTION!" Everyone seemed terrified for a moment and did what they were told. "Yes ma'am" How everyone was in synch? I have no idea. "Go on and introduce yourself"

"H-hi, I'm Lucy Ashley"  "why don't you tell us about yourself" She was quiet, yet loud enough for us to be able to hear her.

"Well, I love to read, my favorite color is red, I love the starts, and I think dragons are pretty awesome." At the last one, I saw the salmon haired boy perk up though, I don't know why. Others were just looking at me, laughing. "wow, she's so childish, stars and dragons? HA!"

"Ok, thank you Lucy, you can sit nest to Mr.Dragneel." ...who's that? "Mr.Dragneel please raise your hand so Ms.Ashley will know who you are." 

The salmon haired playboy raised his hand. why me? As I was walking towards my seat, several girls wee glaring at me. I almost made it to my new spot at the back. Hew word, almost. Of course there was this one girl who just had to trip me right?

She had silver, almost white, hair that was in a pixie cut. No on saw her trip me, they only saw me falling. My books went everywhere and as I went to grab one, she kicked it as far away from me as possible.

Then, something happened that surprised me, her too. Apparently this doesn't happen very often. The salmon haired playboy got out of his seat and went on the floor to help me grab my books. He then put the books on my side of the table. After all my books were picked up and I sat down, class finally started.


"Natsu, would you mind showing Lucy around the school and to her next class?" It was after class and he was the only person here other than Ms.Aries. "Sure!" He had a smirk that I think was glued to his face. Oh well, guess I'm stuck with him a little longer.

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