Chapter 3

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November 9th, 1966

John's Point of View

The paper showed up at my doorstep the next morning. It was really early, I hadn't even turned the radio on or got my morning tea yet. I hadn't put my glasses on contacts on yet, but I picked the paper up so I could look at it later. I was going to call Paul, to make sure that everything was okay. I only didn't last night because I wanted to give him some time. But there was something different about this paper... I couldn't quite put my finger on it but the paper felt new, fresh even. Usually it was thicker too, and only came on Sundays. It was Thursday... Was this a special coincidence or important paper? I honestly had no clue. I was going to look at it, but stopped... Until the bold print that I barely even noticed, made me curious. I read the title, and my heart sunk. I squinted my eyes and brought the paper closer. Surely I was seeing it wrong.


"No no no! My Macca isn't dead." I kept scanning it, all the words... and the picture? A car had rammed into a telephone line. The impact crumpled it too, and there was fire. It looked nothing like Paul's car! Well of course it wouldn't have in this state... It said he died on impact. This couldn't be real. It was a scam for sure. I read that he got into an accident around 1 am. But I had just seen him right before midnight. His house isn't over an hour away. And from the picture I saw, I couldn't make it out exactly where he was... But it wasn't anywhere near his home. I didn't believe it. If it were, the whole universe would've known by now! I would've gotten a call! Though I didn't believe it, I felt broken.

Last night is the night I will remember you by

When I think of things we did

It makes me want to cry

If he really was gone, I'll only remember what happened last night. My last memory with him. I kept thinking about that as tears slipped down my face and I just broke down. "NO." My whole world was collapsing under my feet. He can't really be gone! I made a few frantic phone calls. How was everyone told, but yet I never got a phone call, even from George or Ringo!? It must all be a sick joke he is playing on me and only me... trying to make me feel worse than I already do.

Julian's Point of View

I'd never seen daddy crying before. It scared me. He was throwing things and screaming. First he yelled some words that I'd get beat for saying. "Daddy?" I asked but didn't want to get in the way. I didn't want to be hit so I just watched him. He was destroying the house. All the records on the walls had been smashed except three. 'We Can Work it Out,' 'All My Loving,' and 'The Night Before' were still hanging up. Daddy stared at them and he looked more angry than sad. He mumbled something about Uncle Paulie. I was so confused. I wasn't sure what all had happened last night when Paulie left. It looked like he and daddy had something bad going on. It was even more confusing when I followed him and saw that he was holding and crying into one of Paul's old sweaters. I hid by the door timidly, but I couldn't take it. I didn't want to see daddy cry so I walked in there and hugged him. "What's wrong? Why are you upset?"

He just pushed me away, and I fell on the floor because my little legs didn't catch me. "Julian! Get out! This is grown up stuff!"

I whimpered and tried not to cry, I didn't want to make him more irritated. I really hope daddy makes up with Paul... Because I like him more. He even plays pirate with me. I miss him already. I want mommy to come back. The only good thing she did was let me go over to Uncle Paul's even when it wasn't my turn to be with daddy. I watched daddy sniffle and rub his face. He grabbed his phone and after a moment I heard George.

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