Avery POV

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I can't stop thinking about that new girl at training never have I seen someone before who was so pretty, but not trying to be. I'm pretty sure her name was Bails. I keep getting distracted thinking about her, and I try to hide it so no one notices, but I can't fool my twin, Alana. Alana and I are identical, the only people who can tell the difference is my family that's why Alana decided to die her hair black. It's suits her, even though we are natural blondes.

"What's on your mind Ave?" She questions
"Nothing Alana, just homework." She glares at me suspiciously "Hey are you going to Clare's party?"
"Don't change the subject Avery. It's that new girl Bails isn't it?"
"No, of course not. As I said, just homework" I stumble
"You do know that not every girl is a lesbian. You keep getting your hopes up but then have them crushed. You have to stop falling for people you only just met."
"Alana, I've told you before, I will never know until I try it out. I'm willing to be heart broken if it means that I can finally have a chance with someone before I'm 30. You don't know what it is like. Ok? you don't need to babysit me, just remember I am older than you." I retort
"Yeah I KNOW! But only by 10 minutes. And I just hate seeing you hurt."
"Ok, but just leave me be please"
"Fine. I am going to Clare's party by the way" she says as she wanders off.
Clare's party is tomorrow night. I'm excited because I might get to see Bails again before Thursday next week. Whenever Clare has a party she invites most people our age from North Ridge so hopefully Bails will be there. I've got to get a cute outfit sorted now. I've been searching through my wardrobe mixing and matching tops and skirts, tops and pants, dresses and shoes. I settle on a pair of high waisted light blue jeans, and a black off the shoulder crop. I've got white complimentary heels and shoulder bag to go with them which is great. I consider myself to look pretty chic, but then worry about my hair. Because it's short its hard to find things with it. I try it up in a half up bun, but take it down, and try two short, messy braids. Perfect, they look so cute and go really well with my outfit. I look at the time. Shit! It's 9:00? Surely I wasn't up her for three hours? I still haven't decided on my make up! I go downstairs.
"Avery? Is that you?" Its my mum. "Your dinners in the microwave. You seemed busy so I let you be".
"Thanks mum, but I could've used a break, I'm starving!"
Dinners just chicken and rice. Oh well, it'll do.
After dinner, I chose just a neutral look for my makeup and go to sleep.

Alana and I head out to Clare's at around 7pm. She chose a flowing mix dress and black belt. She looks real cute she's gonna get a lot of attention from all the boys tonight. We let ourselves in and are immediately drowning in a swarm of people. I love going to these party's because no one really knows that I'm a lesbian so I don't have to worry about people giving me greasy stares. I glance around the room and spot Bails at the drinks table. She spots me to then goes really red. I head over to her.
"Hey Bails, nice to see you here. I didn't know you were friends with Clare."
"Um, h-hi, you can call me Baylee. And yeah I-I've know her for a few years now, she and I did netball together."
We talk for a while with Baylee getting a little less nervous and head towards a more quiet space. We talk about netball and Jane the Virgin (I'm totally team jafael and so is Baylee, but we still miss Michael). We talk about soccer and pretty little liars (team spoby forever, sorry Yvonne). We slowly inch our way back to the party and start dancing get closer and closer to each other. It seems like we've been dancing forever when I grab her hand.
"I need a drink" I yell over the music "come with me" she nods her hand grasping mine even tighter.
I expect her to,let go, but she doesn't, not until we get to the drinks table and starts pouring herself a drink. I pour myself one too. We head outside and I put a jumper on and get my phone out. Baylee and I take photos on snapchat and then sit by the pool. I check the time 10:48, it's getting late. I've got to go in hour, so I make this time the high of my night.
I kiss her.

Yay! I managed to make the second chapter of my book!
Follow my friend @xchloescottx and read her book 'High School Reality'

Thanks, Bláthnaid xx

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