Film adaptation

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Film adaptations

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Film adaptations. The nightmare of a fangirl.


He looks terrible.

He is the worst option for Regulus.

Lily doesn't have green eyes.

James has light brown hair and looks like a douchebag.

All the young Marauders look like douchebags.

It took so much money to make the sets, costumes, makeup etc. but they couldn't afford green contacts for Daniel. He would've looked amazing as Harry! Though I don't think that bothered us Potterheads that much.

And Gary Oldman is old.

And of course, how can we forget this?

"Harry did ya put ya name in the Goblet of Fiyah?!" Dumbledore said calmly.

And did I mention Annabeth suddenly turning into a brunette?

This one just became a full blown rant. And I could've gone on and on about it.

But let's just finish it here.

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