the interview

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"Tell you what?"
"Ok one day in 

Jouisville it was sunny. Well, it wasn't just today it was everyday. It never changes, like everything else. If someone dies you don't speak of it. If someone is born you don't interact until, they are eight years old. Old enough, to understand our schedule. Wake up, eat, go to work or school leave, eat, talk, sleep. Any mistakes lead to relocation.

I am Mika Robinson my story isn't much, at least not yet... Not until he arrived."
"WHO'S HE ???"
"Hush they might hear!"
"Well it was some few difficult months for our town or district, our master has been brought into the light or as some say died.  Our whole town was a mess especially since the new master was arriving tomorrow his name was Henry or something like that..."

"Okay keep talking"

"Well our town was trying to welcome the new master I didn't know why it was so important I mean seriously he's gonna eventually die too isn't he??" "YES WE KNOW THIS BUT WHO IS HE??!!" "Hush I think they heard us !" ''OH GOD RUN!" So they attacked us but I, Mika a 13 year old girl survived." How I thought to myself. How?

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