chapter 2

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when the morning finally came karkat was sitting on his throne waiting for the new guard to arrive,He had been visited by one of his servants that the fresh meat would be replacing his old guard who'd grown ill and old he hated to see him go but the show must go on. He heard the new guard was a human,  this would certainly cause a bit of drama but never for long as Karkat was feared for his mysterious and cold kingdom no one dared visit very often since the death of his parents and sister who was supposed to take their parents place but it was up to him now,  his coronation was in two weeks sighing his eyes traveled to the doors as they opened the meek red blooded servant feferi entering with a tall pale blonde human he slowly sat up the bracelets on his wrists jangling feferi walked him to the steps in front of the throne before bowing onto one knee "y-your highness ive brought the new guard.. " Karkat raised an eyebrow at the stoic human "very well thank you feferi go have equius design a sword for him " feferi nodded quickly "yes your highness" she turned scampering out.  Karkat turned his attention to the human standing up "you weren't bowing human what's your name? " the boy responded voice just as stoic as his expression "dave strider " karkat nodded "well dave here " he twisted his hand dave crashing to his knees groaning in pain he felt from the inside out karkat looked down at him coldly "you fucking bow in the presence of your king. Understand human? " dave glared but nodded stiffly karkat smirked relaxing his hand dave breathing out.  He returned to his throne sitting sideways crossing his legs "TAVROS " He hollered not even a moment later the bronze blood ran in nearly tripping "y-yes sir?!" "take this human to kanaya to get him fitted for proper clothes " tavros nodded looking up at dave motioning for him to follow before scampering out dave sighing before he followed the small troll out. Karkat sighed softly "hes cute annoying and going to be a challenge but cute" he didn't know that was the same thought that went through the humans head as he headed to get fitted for clothing

(whoop another chapter finished!  Sorry it took so long to do I got writers block ;^;  picture is how karkat looked like for this particular story yes im. Aware of the color scheme I changed the colors to Match the story picture
art isn't mine )

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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