A day in Elsa's life

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Elsa is only 16 but she has been trouble lately with a question: "Who is my Mom and Dad?" She looked at the clock. It's only 1:45 am. She got up a look at herself in the mirror. She was short, bit chubby, short brown curly hair. she looked at herself again. she had to wear glasses - boring black ones and she had a few zits. "EW! I am an ugly girl. Who will ever love a girl like me? Maybe that's why my family left me"


She looks around just in case there was something. But no, there was nothing. Just a twig hitting the window. She sighed and went back to bed but before she gets in, she kneels down and says a prayer, "Dear whoever is watching me, there is something that has been on my mind. I been in foster care for all my life and all i am asking is please let me get to know my real parents and please send a hero to save me from this world. Thank you and good night." She gets back into bed and falls sleep.


Her alarm went off she gets out as fast as she could and hits the off button.


The door opens and there was the foster mother, "TEN MINUTES TO MAKE BREAKFAST IF NOT YOU ALL ARE NOT GETTING ANY!! MOVE FAT ASS!!!" She storms out the door. She follows the foster mother's orders and makes breakfast for the other foster children. As soon as she was done with that she heads back to her room to get ready for the school day.

That day, she wore a black tee shirt with a tan jacket she got from her friend on her birthday. She put on blue jeans and black sneakers. She gets her bag and walks out back to the dining room. All of the rest of the foster children ate and talked while she stood until everyone was done. She gathers the plates, the glasses and silverware from the table. She washed and dried the dishes and went off to school.

She walked there and opened the doors. It seemed like they all were getting ready for the prom. Left to right guys asking girls out. Backwards and forwards, girls screamed about their 'cute' and 'sexy' dresses.
"Uugh this is so stupid. What is the whole point of prom if you pay so much money on a sluty dress?" Elsa thought.

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