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It was little Trinity's birthday, the day her father always came over her mother's House...her mother was your everyday person, she graduated from collage and continued on with her life, meanwhile her father on the other hand was a scholar, a master mind and majored in science. and a scientist is what he became. An innovator.

"Walter stop it!"Trinity's mother yelled. "Will you shut up for once Celestia?!"shouted back her father,he always wanted things to go a certain way while his divorced wife disagreed. Trinity's parents Yelled and argued, causing the little girl to wake to all the commotion with a yawn and sat up in her twin sized bed. The little girl heard heavy footsteps coming towards her room and Walter, the girls father, opened her door. "Morning kid" Walter said, his eyes red and his face shrunken....he didn't look like the typical father she always saw..."morning daddy!" She replied brightly. The girl rubbed her brown tired eyes and put on her glasses. "Your mother is being a nag. As usual" Walter growled "but let's get you downstairs" he said as he took her downstairs to the kitchen. Walter mumbled "she wasn't like this till you were born..." Trinity looked up not quite hearing him, " did you say something daddy?" She asked. "No." Walter said with a serious tone. The two soon appeared in the kitchen and each took seats. Trinity's mom cooked breakfast on the stove top as if the arguing never happened. "Morning sugar" Trinity's mom greeted the little girl. "hey mommy" trinity smiled and hugged her mom's leg. As the two embraced, Walter's smile went into a scowl. "Eat up pumpkin, daddy's taking us somewhere secret for your birthday" Celestia said smiling. Trinity smiled and nodded, then started eating her eggs and bacon. "Hey Mom, dad? Have any of you seen Dakota?" She asked "no honey, we haven't see him..." The girls mom replied. "Yeah. That mut." Walter spat narrowing His eyes, "Walter don't say that." Celestial growled and Walter just scoffed at her. Trinity finished eating her breakfast and stood up. "I'm gonna go find- "no need for that. Get dressed and let's go." Walter said interrupting the girl. "uh okay" Trinity said as she went to her room and got dressed. Later on when she finished getting dressed, more bickering of her parents was heard. Trinity sighed and looked down hearing them with a frown hoping they would stop soon. The little girl replaced her frown with a fake smile and walked down the steps. " ready!" She said which caused the parents to stop arguing. "Well let's go to the car", said Walter forcing a smile on his face. Walter and went to the car with Trinity and her mother following behind him. The family all got in the car and started on their way to an unknown surprise. Walter drove out deep in the forest and pulled his car up to a clean but old looking laboratory that was the size of a medium sized business building. "this is daddy's job" grinned Walter as he got out the car, Trinity and celestial also get out and they start to look around. The forest looked..unwelcoming... The bark of the trees were gray and so were some of the leaves, there was an over cast blocking sunlight along with light fog that filled the air,underbrush on the forest ground looked dead. Even the birds and other life forms were almost silent. "Cool!" Trinity said looking at the house being the happy curious child she was. Her mother looked around skeptical and glaring lightly at the surroundings and hesitantly went inside the shack with her daughter. Walter began talking with tall men that loomed over little trinity like tall thin shadows. The men had strange clothes on, they had on mask and glasses on as if they were going to observe something. Trinity walked past the men and her mother and looked around in curiosity. The building on the inside had cracks in the walls and peep holes she could look through. There was a light whining sound in one of the rooms and trinity put her small ear up to one of the wooden doors and listened, she heard the whining noise again but also heard a creek of one of the floor boards behind her and turned quickly to look. Nothing was there. Trinity whimpered quietly and decided to go inside the room that whining noises came from. A White and black spotted dog laid on an operation table. By the table was a plate of different needles each filled with different colored liquids. She walked up to the table and the dog tiredly opened it's sky blue eyes, the little girl recognized the dog and hugged it. "I wonder why your here..." Trinity said thinking possible reasons why, she was token out of her thought due to a warm liquid dripping on her arm. The girl looked at the dog she was hugging and noticed blood coming from Dakota's mouth as the dog panted taking short gasps of air. The dog began panting more heavily, "Dakota?" Trinity said worried, her voice started to shake out of fear, "y-you okay b-buddy..??" She asked the dog gradually getting scared. The dog started breathing heavily but slowly from its mouth and started choking on his own blood. " Dakota?!!" The little girl shouted and tried to stop the blood as much as she could and also comfort Dakota but only managed to get blood in her clothes...Trinity frantically looked around the room and grabbed some bandage wraps and tried to stop the bleeding somehow. At this point Trinity began to cry, she wanted to get help from someone but had gotten lost due to her exploring. The girl shouted for help but there was no response. Dakota soon stopped...her eyes were now a dull blue...she glanced at the little girl and nuzzled her before slipping into her forever slumber. Trinity tried to wake Dakota up but it was no use...the little girl began running through hall ways and looking in doors. She was horrified as she looked in other rooms for some type of help, animal and human body parts had been sewn together in disfiguring ways. eyes of the dead starred at the little girl as they were on a silver platter along with teeth nails and other things. the little girl backed out the room and ran shouting for her mother, she was then shoved into the room with her dead dog had lied on the table.  Suddenly the door slammed shut. Trinity looked at the door, then up at the person who slammed the door. Walter. "hey birthday girl," Walter said grinning his usual grin but it was a bit...off. He slowly walked to her as she kept stepping back "d-daddy?" The little girl squeaked out. She knew something was off about him and backed in the wall behind her, pinned between Walter and the dirty cracked wall. Walter grabs her and pushed the dog off the operating table pinning her down onto it. Trinity squirmed and yelled. Walter smacked her across the face "shut up!" He yelled, Trinity whimpered as her cheek stung and still red from the harsh slap. The men Walter talked to, walked into the room and grinned behind the mask that hides only their mouths. Walter tied the girl down. One of the men picked up the dead dog and started cutting off it's already bloodied body parts... "NO STOP!!!!" trinity cried and struggled against the ropes. The men laughed and continued to hack and cut body parts off the already deceased dog as blood splashed across the guy. Walter looked at the other men. "What should we do to her boss?" Asked one of he guys. "Hmm well I think her "mom" should pay her a visit don't you think?" Walter said grinning "bring her in boys" he said as the men walked out the room. The men came back in with a large garage bag that looked very deformed and dumped it on the floor. The body of her moms corps fell out the bag with a lifeless splat. The girl gasped seeing the corps of her dead mother, her body mutilated and disfigured..Trinity almost gagged at the sight. "M-mom!" trinity yelled out hoping this was all a joke of some sort, "you monster!!!" Trinity yelled at Walter as he just laughed at her. Walter then stopped and looked at the dog parts and smirked "don't worry at least your favorite animal will always be with you and you will be just like the others," He smiled. The men walked up to Trinity, "l-leave me alone!" She yelled scared
One man grabbed duck tape and duck tapped the little girls mouth. She tried to scream but was only muffled by the tape. Walter whispered something to the guys and they all nodded. one guy got a needle and thread and the other guy grabbed the dog muzzle. One of the men then replaced the tape with a sock as Trin muffled words Walter grabbed the utensils measuring where to cut the thread and began sewing on the muzzle to the girls mouth She shook and wiggled and tried to make them stop but sadly couldn't. every sew he did he ripped part of her skin to double the pain making her face bleed more. "don't worry, you'll be my special experiment,"Walter smiled After sewing on the muzzle the man took the sock out her mouth. Blood bled from the Muzzle and  face dripping on her shirt, the fumes of her beloved dog's muzzle along with the blood made her sick to her stomach. Little Trinity threw up but was forced to swallow the rest. The other men started tearing off the girls finger nails as they bled and pulsated, laughing at her agonizing yells. The men replaced the nails with the dogs claws sewing them in and jamming them inside to fit where her old nails were on Trinity's fingers as she howled out in pain. "P-please stop!!!!" She begged, Walter just leaned against the wall watching  his own daughters pain. The little girl soon went limp as they finished  fainting from exhaustion...

Trinity found herself stuck in a cage, she got up dizzy and went to the cage door and tried to open it but it was tightly locked....She was alone in total darkness All the light she had was from a light bulb that constantly flickered on and off. The little girl looked around more and adjusted her cracked glasses on her face, lightly hissing due to the pain in her face and nails, and looked around the cage. All she saw was darkness all around her and one window that was boarded up. By the light pattering on the window she thought it was raining and went in the corner of the cage. She then heard a noise of footsteps coming towards her, she looked up at them, it was one of the men that hurt her and she growled in pure hate. "Eat up." said walter as he gave her some food...

            the next fourteen years in her life was hell. The man that helped turn her into this....thing that she was now also taught her how to fight and be stealthy. One morning one of the men didn't come the usual time they always come. Trinity stuck her arm out one of the spaces of the cell and picked the lock. There was a click, and the door swung open. The girl looked around and spotted the guy, she started running at him as her blood boiled "N-no! Please don't kill me!" The man yelled. Trinity smiled and tore him limb from limb with her claws and teeth ripping his flesh as blood splattered all over her and the hard gray floor. soon the man stopped breathing. Trinity looked down and her worn black hoodie and pants and took the man's  lab coat keeping her hoodie and pants she had on. Trinity then began ripping down the boards that hid the window and ran out to freedom....

             Alone in the gray misty forest masked in darkness, she saw a tall man with no face and paper white skin. The more she stared the closer the man appeared, she stepped back growling "don't be afraid child. I've been watching you for some time. Come with me and I will take you to a place where you can meet others like you. That have been wronged by humans..."said the man, seeming as if he spoke in her mind. The faceless man said "I'll only go if you help me find someone..."
The tall man nodded and took the once innocent child away...deeper, and deeper in the dark quiet woods...
*Special news report*
Walter Lockhart an accused culprit of the missing girl and a mutilated mother. suspect still not found. Accuser, one of the men that helped with the crime.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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