Chapter 23

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"Something has to be done!"

"More cats will die!"

It was not a full moon. But the clans had decided to hold an emergency gathering after the moonstone attack two nights ago. The clans were yowling and speaking anxiously amongst themselves while the leaders stood on the great rock, having their own debates. Bloodfur strained to hear what they were saying.

"This is serious!" Ravenstar was snarling, his black fur fluffed up. "Ryeheart was nearly killed! Thank StarClan we got there on time!"

"And don't forget about Spicewhisker!" Strawberrystar's amber eyes flared. "He's still on the brink of joining StarClan!"

Frostedstar stared at the other leaders. "You should be grateful your medicine cats are alive! Otterpelt was killed."

"And Silverberry," Gladestar added, her eyes round. "Do you realize that we have no medicine cat now?"

The cats continued to speak to one another anxiously. Bloodfur felt a prickle of guilt as he stared at the medicine cats. Why do you feel guilty? You shouldn't! Deserve is the one who told you to do it! If anyone should feel guilty, it's him! Besides, the only cat you killed was Silverberry, and she was suffering.

Dewstorm and Creamheart sat below the great rock, looking uneasy. They'd been lucky. Both cats only had minor injuries. Sagefern sat near them, her eyes clouded with grief. Since Otterpelt had died, Frostedstar decided to give her full medicine cat name and make her the sole medicine cat of RiverClan. Ryeheart and Spicewhisker couldn't attend the meeting, as their injuries were too critical.

"ShadowClan has been losing warriors for seasons now." Depthstar lashed his tail, and Bloodfur froze as the leader held his gaze briefly, then looked away. Is he going to tell them ShadowClan suspects I'm involved? He tensed. "And now the medicine cats have been attacked twice. Clearly there's a group of cats targeting us. This is not the work of a single cat." At those words, Bloodfur relaxed.

"So what are we going to do?" Strawberrystar demanded. "We cannot afford these casualties!"

"We have to attack!" Ravenstar growled. "We have to attack at once!"

Strawberrystar shot the SkyClan leader a glare. "And how do you suppose we do that, mouse brain? We have no idea who these cats are, or where they live!"

Depthstar turned his attention to the three medicine cats. "Do you know anything about those cats?" He pressed. "Any familiar scents? Names?"

Dewstorm shook his head. "They smelt like rogues to me. Two of them were covered in mud. I believe they were the same cats who attacked me and Starfaith all those moons ago."

"One of them kept yowling, 'Death to the clans'," Sagefern meowed anxiously.

The cats began to let out anxious yowls and cries.

"We're under attack!"

"These cats are evil!"

"Quiet!" Depthstar yowled, and the crowd slowly quieted into anxious murmuring. "There's nothing we can do until we learn more about these cats." He looked to the other leaders. "In the meantime, I suggest we double the number of cats on patrols."

"Yes," Frostedstar agreed. "And we should send two warriors with our medicine cat when they go to highstones." He blinked at the other leaders. "Once we know where these cats come from, we can attack. But for now, we must be on the defense." The other leaders murmured agreement.

"Wait," Gladestar twitched her tail. "WindClan still has a huge problem. We have no medicine cat."

The other leaders looked troubled. "There's no cat with any knowledge of herbs who can take on the job?" Ravenstar asked.

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