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My head was throbbing and it felt as if I was covered in ice until about my shoulders, from which my heartbeat throbbed with unnatural heat, which ignored my toes which were shuddering. I was having a 'fit'. the nickname for my body heat disturbances. It never was quite right, too hot or too cold. Once in a while it would go haywire.
I would be in complete pain no matter what medicines I took or how much.
I would just have to wait for it to pass. Even then id be in constant pain. I was being burnt alive without the burning.
I believe I was in my bedroom huddled in a corner trying not to cry my eyes out of my skull.
all of my senses were overtaken with unnaturalness. My thoughts were slow and sluggish. I closed my eyes.
I'm not sure how much time passed before I opened my eyes and realized I had fallen asleep, possibly from the overwhelming pain I had been feeling but now I was on full alert, I had somehow left burn marks on the wall behind me and not on my clothes. I stood a little shakily and looked around. My once tidy room was now in disarray. My things were spread out over the floor. My clothes were unfolded and spread in crazy piles. My bed covers were pulled back and messy. My curtains were pulled from the window and on the floor.
I walked outside my room into the hallway of my home. there was a paper on my door, it was written in spidery handwriting and said, 'meet me in the office at 6:30 sharp' signed -Dr. Mahaven.
I sigh and check my watch, 6:15. I'd have to run to get there in time.
I pick up my stuff and walk. Dr. Mahaven could wait  a few minutes. I walk quickly though.
I looked at my skin as light tails of fire danced on the backs of my hands slightly. I sigh and look at the tall building that was the office. Red brick and sleek glass. The only building with more than two stories. you could see over the wall. However only authorized personel were allowed up there. I sigh and enter walking and endless amounts of left and rights to Mahaven's office. I enter and she smiled dryly, "Hello Hailey "
"Hello Mother..."                                                                                                                       

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