Chapter 1

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Hey, I'm Ren Kipling. My twin brother is Dizzee Kipling. We have 3 younger siblings, Yolanda, Ra-Ra and Boo-Boo.
I'm woken up by my little brother, Boo-Boo saying" Ren! Get up! Mom's said to get up." I opened my eyes, glaring at him, he backed away and put his hands up. Dizzee said" I won't save you, little brother." I sat up, looking at Dizzee, we shared a room, which neither of us minded. Boo-Boo said" bye!" Then ran out, I smiled at Dizzee then got up, he said" I'm gonna go." He walked out of our room while I got dressed,

I walked into the kitchen and saw Ra-Ra talking about this new movie, Star Wars

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I walked into the kitchen and saw Ra-Ra talking about this new movie, Star Wars. It's a movie, he wants us to go see, which I don't think anyone is interested in. I said" Ra, we don't care." He said" shut up, Ren." I laughed and walked to Dizzee, laying my head on his back, he said" hey, Ren." He moved while I followed.

Mom was doing Yolanda's hair, she just got done with mine. Dad knocked on the window, saying" good morning, my sweet angels." Yolanda and I said" good morning, dad." We giggled, and I walked outside as Yolanda said" hey, mom." I opened the door and watched as Boo-Boo said" we're gonna be late for school, Dad." Dad said" no, Boo-Boo, you make yourselves late. Wait till the last minute to do your morning chore." Dizzee said" that's jive." Dad said" no, that's jive." Dizzee said" come on. This ain't Little House on the Prairie." Ra-Ra opened the door and came out, we said" Dizzee's got a point, dad." Dad said" no, he don't. 'Cause that there is my little house. And this here is my little salon. And that patch of sidewalk, that's my little prairie. Less than a hundred years ago, the Bronx was all prairie." Mom came out, She said" Winston! What are you rattling on about? What's going on? You gonna make the boys late for school." Dad said" how am I suppose to teach them discipline if you undermine me?" We walked off, Dizzee and I said" we have to go to the writer's bench." I hugged Boo's side and then Dizzee and I walked out, Boo said" don't be late." We said" alright." We headed for the writers' bench,

Crash said" see, Shaolin was in the yards, and saw the dude hot one-ten, and so he karate-chopped his ass. Waa-Taa! And that's how the war started." They're talking about Shao-007, he's pretty much art legend. I laid my head on Diz's shoulder, watching him make his tag. Daze said" how do you know? You talk to Shao?" Crash said" dude, shut up. No one's ever even seen Shao, let alone talk to him." Diz said" it's not a war they're fighting. But for all of us. When we see our names on these trains, if only even for a fleeting moment, we can say: ''I was here." Crash, you paint spotlights and Bat-Signals. Daze, you paint constellations, breadcrumb trails of sparks that tell a story. Shao 007, man... his Pumas are always pristine, his hands are samurai swords. And his pieces, they're all fireworks. Big, Bright, explosive." Crash said" have you seen Shao's latest?" Daze said" 'Clan of the Dragon Fist'." The boys laughed, Dizzee said" wait. Shaolin Fantastic has a new piece? We gotta check it. Where is it?" Crash said" the rubble fields, by Charlotte Street." Diz and I said" we're out of here." Daze said" you crazy!" Crash said" you're going now?" Daze said" that's Savage Warlords territory, you can't--" I said" A life lived in fear is a life half-lived." Crash said" say what?" Dizzee said" Ciao for now." We walked off.

Once we got to school, we climbed up the rock and got with Ra, Boo and Zeke. Diz and I said" Clan of the Dragon Fist! Over on Charlotte street. Clan of the dragon fist." We jumped down, panting since we ran here, Zeke said" your brother and sister's are fucking weirdos." Boo said" you have no idea." Diz and I said" we're talking about Shao 007." Boo said" ohh!" Diz and I said" a new piece on Charlotte street. Clan of the Dragon Fist. Boo!" Boo ran to catch up with us, since we had started walking, Ra said" but that's Savage Warlords territory!" Dizzee said" but it's Shaolin Fantastic. So, take a deep breath and follow!" We turned and continued.

We got to Charlotte street, and looked at the piece, it was awesome. Boo-Boo said" Shaolin Fantastic, man. Clan of the dragon fist. Dizz, Ren, it's a master blaster. Yo, tonight, we go to the yards. You gotta let your hero know you exist." Ra-Ra said" not so loud, Boo. I feel like we're being watched, y'all." Dizz and I turned to a building, I said" probably by Shaolin. I think we seen Shaolin Fantastic the other day." Ra said" no way." Dizz said" up on the roof. Flying. Right there. Roof to roof." Zeke said" you see his face?" I said" no, but we saw the red pumas." Ra-Ra said" I heard Shaolin's so slick, he snuck into Yankee stadium and stole Chambliss' walk-off home run bat." Dizzee said" He fearless, man. You gotta be to live in Savage Warlord territory." Boo said" Dizz, man." Dizz said" what's up, Boo?" Boo said" you afraid of warlords? I ain't afraid of no stupid warlords." Ra said" seriously, though, can we please go now?" Then we heard a Warlord say" Fuck y'all doing on our turf, punks?" Oh no. Dizzee said" we writers, little man, not gangsters." He said" all we find, all we keep." Another little one said" y'all got money?" The first said" I said all we find, all we fucking keep." The second said" who the fuck y'all looking at?" Boo said"Little n_gga, let me talk to you. Don't touch me." He pointed to Dizz and I, Boo picked the little boy up, the boy said" Savage Warlords are gonna beat your ass, fuckers!" Which started a whole commotion, Dizzee and I said" leave our fucking brother alone!" Boo said" get off me." "Napoleon! We told you to fucking look out and you taking these fools off for their lunch money." Then he pulled out a gun and started blasting, we ran. Dizzee and I crouched behind something, then we heard a car horn and then," Savage Warlords, be on your way. Everybody else, to school!" We took off running, but I stopped as I noticed Boo wasn't with me, I saw him give the finger and then ran to me.

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