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Europa launches their own YouTube channel!

by kpopguru

January 10, 2016

Much like BTS, Europa has launched their own video series. They've called it "Europa's Travel Logs," fitting in with their international theme. Europa has expressed an interest in starting their own video show or video series, and their wish has been granted. Some members are rumored to be starting their own show, such as BTS Jin's Eat Jin. 

The group has already released five videos. The first one is an intro video from Zoe and Gain, telling the viewers about the series and what the videos are like. (Link) The second is a twenty minute video of the seven members, unreleased members with masks on, dancing to other artists' songs. (Link) The third video is twenty five minutes long and currently had the most likes and comments. In the video, some members of Europa are practicing for their dance cover video and the other members barge in. They begin to turn on fun songs to dance to and see who can dance to them the best. (Link) The fourth video is a fifteen minute makeup tutorial guide by Zoe. She uses Divine as the makeup model and Day joins in and does her hair. (Link) The fifth video is a video of Gain walking through the Big Hit building and peeking inside the Europa practice room and BTS practice room. (Link

Fans are extremely pleased with the videos and have left many encouraging comments on their videos. Fans also have determined that Europa's gag line (so far) is Zoe and Gain. 

Also see: Europa's gag line reacts to Try Not to Laugh challenges from YouTube


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if you have any ambitions for your member, such as  a personal show or an acting career, please message me through kakaotalk (user is 56cm) or through wattpad. any extra things about your character is much appreciated and if you want your character to be in a video for europa's travel logs, please comment info about the video. 

i'm sorry about the filler post. make sure to spread this apply fic around to any friends that would be interested for the real chapters! 

xoxo, janice. 

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