Chapter 17: Rule Change

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Clove POV:

The next morning, when we woke we decided to go hunting for some food. We had a little breakfast of dried fruit. If we still had our supplies, we would be eating a better breakfast.

We walk about 5 miles when Claudius' voice booms through the arena. "Attention Tributes, there has been a rule change. The rule allowing only victor has been revoked. From now on there can be two victors if both from the district. This will be the only announcement." Am I hearing this right. Two people can win if from the same district. Me and Cato. We could both win and get married and have a family.

"Oh my god, we can both get out of here Clover. We can get married, start a family, and live a long happy life together." Cato says and kisses me. I pull away when I realize something.

"Cato, what about Loverboy and Firegirl? They could win to. What if the rule change was made for them and not us?" I start to panic.

"If it was made for them, we can still win. An rule is a rule and I promise you we will both get out. We'll give the audience and good show and show them we deserve to win."

"I guess you're right, but we have to kill them next. Who else is left?"

"You, me, Girl from 5, Thresh, Katniss and Peeta. 4 more and we can go home." he hugs me again and I hug back.

We start our search for Katniss and Peeta. After we walk for ages, we come across a river. We walk along the riverbank when I see something move in the ground. I take a closer look and see a pair of blue eyes. Someone's hiding under there. I don't tell Cato yet, just start undigging him. It's Loverboy. I grab him by the neck and drag him to Cato. "Look who I found." I tell Cato. He turns around and smirks.

"Where's Katniss? You know it's a shame she hasn't come looking for you since two can win. Well, let's just kill you now." Cato taunts. He raises his sword and slashes Peeta's stomach. He spits out blood. Then Cato cuts his throat. His canon booms. "3 to go" Cato says to me. We continue our search for Katniss.

We search and search some more, but can't find Katniss. We decide to continue tomorrow and get some sleep.

We are just about to go to sleep when Claudius' voice starts. Again. "Congratulations to making it to the final five. There will be a feast tomorrow at dawn. Now some of you may be declining my offer but each of you need something desperately. There will be a bag marked with your district number on it. May the odds be ever in your favor." Then his voice disappears.

I try to think what we need. We could use some more food, but we have enough to last. It could be medicine, but we don't need medicine. Then I realize there will be more tributes there. We could get us a kill. Cato seems to think the same because he says "There will be other tributes there. We could get us some kills." I just nod my head and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow, Katniss Everdeen will die.

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