Look in the mirror

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If you are feeling down... Please look in the mirror. Look at your face, tell me, ask yourself, how do you look like right now?? Are your eyes puffy from the crying? Are your eyes dull and not have the spark? Is your nose red? Are there tears on your cheeks? Is your mouth in an upside down "U" shape? Is your face pale looking? Do you think you look bright and cheerful?? Stop, you don't need to tell me... I know what you are feeling right now even without you telling me all that (well... That's because you are here... so of course you are reading this for the one reason I already know, and so I already know what u r feeling right now) Anyway.... when you look at yourself I'm sure you are thinking back about what had happened that caused you to be in this state. Well.. just forget about the past for now...what you really should be doing right now is thinking of a way to bring back the once happy you and replacing the current moody you. Now look at the mirror again and try smiling.. I know I know don't try to reason with me... Just do it, I know it is ridiculous... But if you can't, just try again, try it again and again until you are able to see that smile on your lips. Then, when you have succeeded in doing so, smile even more and move a little bit, like maybe shake your hips or your body from side to side and just keep smiling. REMEMBER keep looking at yourself in the mirror. Now, on to the next step. Try admiring your smile. Look at the teeth you have, don't mind it being white or yellow, just keep admiring them. Look at your lips, look at how it is shaped, what colour it is, look at how amazingly perfect you are to have both lips and teeth that gives you something called mouth... And this mouth is something more than you think, not only could it speak, not only could it eat and drink, not only could it allow you to breathe, it forms a SMILE too. Your smile can cheer up the people around you. Your smile can make people feel relaxed. Your smile can ease someone's heart and mind. Your smile can bring smiles to others too. Your smile can make people around you laugh. Your smile can make yourself look pretty. Your smile can calm your mind. Your smile can make you laugh. Your smile is the best. It doesn't matter how different your smile looks, it is just unique in it's own way, it's what makes you special. Now look at your smiling face and think about your happy times, your idol, your family and friends. The smile on your face will warm your own heart as feelings of love mixes into your smile. And let's go back to what made you sad, think about it, was it you who did wrong or was it someone else who did wrong.... well it doesn't matter now. Just apologize or if it's something worse than what I think it is then just feel happy and don't think too much about the past. I'm sure the person involved in the problem wouldn't want you to stay put in the miserable state, I'm sure they will want you to move on and just be your cheerful self again!! So be strong and keep smiling!!! A smile a day, keeps troubles away!!!

Oh yeah, do you know that frowning kills more cells than smiling? I was actually quite surprised when I heard about this! Anyway I hope you are feeling a little better than before! Remember just keep SMILING!


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