Chapter 13

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      I watched the rain run against the window pane while laying in the huge bed. I had been in the same spot for almost two hours since waking up. The thoughts of what happened yesterday haunted my mind as I shut my eyelids.

I murdered someone.

I quickly stood from the bed and began pacing around the room to clear my heavy mind. I felt the walls enclosing on me as I paced faster. I had to get out of this room or I would lose my mind.

    I opened the door and made my way into the hallway. This apartment had to be the size of a regular home. My feet glided across the cold hardwood floor as I tiptoed down the hall. I stopped in front of the last door and pushed it opened. To my surprise, Andre was already up and he was even exercising. I silently watched him do push-ups while standing by the door. He was so focused, he didn't realize I was there. I took a step farther into the room and in one quick motion,  he slid a gun from under the bed and aimed it in my direction.

"It's just me." I gasped,  throwing my hands up in surrender.

He relaxed as he sat the gun down beside him and kept his eyes on me.

"You can't be sneaking up on niggas like that. You tryna die?" He asked rhetorically.

I rolled my eyes and entered the room.

"I just wanted to know if you were awake."

"Why? What's up?" He asked standing to his feet and moving closer.

I rolled my eyes and put my pride to the side.

"I need you to buy me some clothes." I mumbled.


It was obvious that he couldn't make out my low words. I exhaled deeply.

"I don't have any clothes or money to buy any." I spoke while looking away.

"Damn, I fotgot about that. It's cool, we can go get you some now."

"We? You're coming with me?" I asked.

"Yea, what you thought I would let you wall up there?" He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and made space between the two of us.

"How soon can we go?" I asked.

"Whenever you're ready."

      I left the room and found the restroom. I tried to attempt to make my self look presentable. I still had on the day old clothes from yesterday and I hadn't showered. Searching around the tight area, I looked for a spare toothbrush but I could not find one. I picked up the tube of toothpaste and spead it across my index finger. Fingering around my mouth, I rubbed the toothpaste against my teeth and tongue. When I was fished,  I grabbed a towel and washed my face then fingers my hands through my ratty hair.

     I stepped out of the bathroom and noticed that Andre was already dressed and ready.

"Which mall you wanna go to?" He asked grabbing his keys.

"It doesn't matter." I shrugged.


We both left the apartment and got inside of the truck.

     The mall didn't seem as packed. Since it was a Monday, I figured it wouldn't be. He pulled the keys out of the ignition and we both got out of the vehicle. I took my time walking into the mall so I could enjoy the warmth of the sun.

"What's up?" Andre asked looking back.

"Nothing." I spoke catching up with him.

    We walked into the cool mall and looked around. I saw a family of four riding down the escalator with huge smiles. The two parents had twin girls who were dressed alike and holding similar dolls. I smiled and kept walking with Andre on my trail.

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