Moving in

216 13 11

Your P.o.v.
I got to Auradon Prep a day after the Villain Kids, or VKs for short. Since there wasn't much room left, I was going to share a room with two other girls. Mal and Evie.

Now don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them, but I'm sure they'll get visits from people like Jay and Carlos. It's nothing personal, I just wouldn't like to be visited by the man who's mom tried to kill me. Not to mention my 98 siblings.

That's just cruel. Which... I guess is why her name is Cruella De Vil. It literally has the word cruel in it. And devil.

Not to mention this place is packed full of princesses and princes. I'm not really gonna fit in, like, anywhere.

But hey, I heard there's a dog.

(Anyways, that got off track...)

When I got to the school, after running the entire way as a dog, I was picked up by someone. "Are you lost? How did you end up here?" They said in a baby voice. I barked in response. They set me down, seeing as though I don't have a collar or anything.

When he was turned, I morphed back into a human. The guy, who I could now recognize as the soon to be king turned back.

I smiled at him, wanting to make a good first impression. "Hi. My name is Y/n. Nice to meet you." I said.

"Nice to meet you too." He responded. "Have you seen a Dalmatian (it made me capitalize it.) puppy anywhere."

"You're gonna feel really awkward after this, but I was the puppy."

"Oh. That's right, I completely forgot, your the daughter of Pongo and Perdita right?" He asked.

"Yeah. That's me." I said, smiling.

"Okay, I hope you don't mind, but, there isn't a room without two girls already in it, so you'll be sharing a room with two girls, we already added your bed."

"I have 98 siblings, I'm sure I can share a room with two girls... as long as they aren't princesses." I say, the thought making me cringe.

"No. Actually, you're going to share a room with Mal and Evie. The daughters of Maleficent and Evil Queen." He said. My eyes widened.

"What?" I asked.

"Well we figured you could, y'know keep an eye on them." He said.

"Fine." I said, sighing in defeat.

A/n:I'm sorry it was so short, I'll try to make my next one longer. Please vote and comment. I'll even ask a question to answer, like this one,

If you could be any Disney character, who would you be?

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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