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I'm back as you can tell! And it's my b-day! :333333 I really happy! And yes my b-day is on a holiday. Tho I don't know what it celebrates... 

So I looked it up and it means and I quote "Contrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's independence day.Mexican independence is celebrated Sept.16. Cinco de Mayo commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over the French forces of Napoleon III on May 5, 1862, at the Battle of Puebla" So that's cool. 

I almost forgot that today was my b-day actually, i've been kinda stressed so that's probably why. But I'm back and i've entered an art contest! It's a demon drawing and i've drawn to and trying to decide between them. I think I know which i want to enter so I should be fine. 

Its by @xX_Dark_Midnight_Xx on a book called art contest so if you wanna join you can! The due date is May 28th i think so I should be posting then. Other then that i want you guys to know that since summer is coming up I might be posting more. But i will be on break so i don't really know. 

Anyways I hope you all have a great day and I talk to you all later, bye!

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