Chapter Seven

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An intense warmness overwhelmed Alana's unconscious form. She felt safe despite the powerful feeling, but yet she could not open her eyes. She was very well conscious in a sense, but had no control over her body. She felt soft linen sheets beneath her body, and felt her head that sank into the pillows that surrounded her.

She would have jolted when another person's touch grazed her cheek, but she could not. She was pulled to the touch, and it was as if she was drawn to the fingers that trailed down her cheek to her neck because she felt her face turn to give the fingers more access. The light, feather-like touch continued its path to her collarbone, and then it went back up to her cheek. It continued like this for several minutes, and Alana felt herself relax tremendously. Her body became so soothed that she felt her willpower beginning to overcome her body.

It was when a sweet kiss was placed to her forehead, that she was finally able to open her eyes. Black eyes stared back at her, just as they had in the throne room. Alana stilled for the longest of time, pondering if it had all been a dream. When the man with strong, masculine facial features and black hair chuckled lowly, Alana knew that it was no dream.

Breathlessly, she sunk herself further into the pillows. Lord Callahan ran a gentle finger down her cheek once more, ending at her lips. He did not pull away, and instead whispered, "What is your name, my little twin flame?"

He observed her eyes widen for an instant, and her breathing became shaky as she softly replied, "Alana Adaire."

He grinned at that, a warm smile that looked out of place on his dark features, "And I," he began, "am Lord Caden Callahan. For you, it is just Caden."

His voice was low when he spoke, making shivers rake down her spine in a fearful but yet alluring way. Before Alana could predict his next move, Caden bent down and placed his lips gently against her own. At any other time, Alana would have pushed away from a man who would force himself on her, but it seemed that she enjoyed his affectionate kiss. It was gentle, light, warm, and it lured something inside of her to him. It was as if apart of herself was awakened, and she wondered if it was really because they were twin flames.

When he pulled away, she was left in a daze, her judgment was clouded but for only a minute. When her mind cleared, she pushed him away from her and rolled out from beneath his strong arms.

A blush reddened her cheeks as she realized Caden lay shirtless in the bed with her, and she assumed that they were in his sleeping chambers by the way black curtains covered the windows, and darkened walls surrounded them. It suited him, but the candlelight that was placed in various parts of the room seemed to stand out.

When Alana looked down at her garments, she saw that she was no longer in the blue gown and instead in the white shift that she wore beneath it. She had gasped at that, and held the covers up to her chest, "Who undressed me?"

Caden gave her an amused look, "Is it not obvious?"

The implication as made as clear as day. Alana shrieked and pushed him away when he reached out for her once again, "My lord," she responded with apprehension, "Surely you are not so bold as to undress a lady, put her in your bed, and kiss her lips, and then imply that you undressed her. For I am merely a stranger, you do not know me at all."

"Ah," He said with firm lips, "but you are not a stranger. You are my soul mate, and I have known you all my life as you have known me all yours. Just because we had yet to meet, does not mean that you were not mine since the beginning of time. It is not negotiable to say that I do not own you, for we own one another, therefore I have every right to take care of you and show my affection towards you."

Alana's face hardened, a glare taking place of her wide eyes. She opened her mouth several times only to shut it again. She did not know how to respond because Caden was, in a sense, right.

Then she finally sought out the courage to retort, "And who is to say that we are twin flames for sure? Perhaps you are mistaken."

"Oh, am I now?" His eyebrows rose to show the slightest of his amusement towards her response, "Then why is it that you relax against my hold and do not pull away from my kisses?"

"Kisses?" She asked, noting the plurality of the word, "How many times did you kiss me?"

This time he smirked, his eyes becoming brighter, "I would not know, for I lost count after I laid you in my bed."
Alana shrieked again at that, and jumped out from the bed. Uncaring of her lacking of garments, she began to pace. Her hands found their way to her hair in distress, and her eyebrows furrowed so that a deep crease appeared on her forehead in frustration. She mumbled many words beneath her breath and then came to an abrupt stop to face Cadan who still lay shirtless in his rather large bed, "I am leaving."

Alana briskly walked to the door, unaware of how rash her decision was and the quickened movements of Cadan. He had jumped from his bed and was able to stop her just in time for her hand to encircle the knob to the door that was the way out.

He moved so fast that she did not expect him to twist her around until he had her back pinned against the door, "You will not leave me, for I have only just found you." He whispered darkly into her ear, "If you do leave however, I will only find you."

He was threatening her, but she found herself unable to respond again as her mind was solely focused on his hard body that was pressed up against hers. He backed away a few inches to look into her sterling blue eyes, "Do you understand me?"

She was at loss for words, but could very well feel the power and anger radiating from his body, "Do you understand me?" He said more sternly this time.

Alana nodded, her mouth fallen agape and her eyes wide again, "I do."

She had no doubt in her mind this Fallen would seek her out if it came down to it. He was dangerous, and the rumors she had heard only fueled her perception of him.

"Good." He gave a curt nod, and then kissed her once more on the lips. When he pulled away, she put her head to the side so that he could not kiss her a second time. Though, it did little to calm his previous anger, and he only became more furious at the rejection, "If you enjoy my touch, then you will allow yourself to let me touch you. It only seems right that way."

"And if I do not enjoy your touch?" Alana quickly snapped back, her face turning to look into his hard eyes.

His jaw tightened and he was left saying, "You do, and there is no denying it."

This time Alana successfully pushed Caden far enough away that she could open the door and slip through it. She ran away from him, leaving him more infuriated than before. She had ran through a study that was connected to his bedroom, with a large desk and many papers and bookshelves, and then found two large double doors that she knew was the official way out of his chambers.

Alana knew he would follow her. It did not help that she was challenging his former words but this did not stop her from leaving. Alana pushed the doors open with all of her might, and fled from the fierce and merciless, Lord Callahan.

Caden did not know which was more shocking, that someone was going against his demands or that his little blonde of a twin flame was the one challenging him. It took him several minutes to realize that she was brave, despite her innocence, which only made him want to catch her all the more.

And catch her, he would.

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