Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

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The next day, a few other scenes were being worked on. Christoph was going to be less busy than the rest, but he still had a small part that he had to prepare for. Before anyone else had set up, Christoph sat at one of the tables in the bar scene, dark so it could look like a basement, and he was reviewing his own lines and what he would be doing in his scene. It was short and simple, but he had to keep in mind how Hans Landa would behave in that scene.

Quentin entered the set and found Christoph sitting at one of the tables. He smiled and sat across from him. “We’re gonna start filming soon,” he said to Christoph, who looked up with a smile.

“Alright, I’ll leave in just a moment.”

“So that girl you invited to watch the scene yesterday...” Quentin then transitioned to.

Christoph raised a brow and sat forward. “Amaya? Yes, what about her?”

“You interested in her?”

“I...just thought she would like to watch,” Christoph answered uncomfortably. He rubbed the back of his neck.

“You think she’s pretty? Did you get her number?”

“No! It’s… not like that, Quentin.”

Tarantino began laughing and then got up from the table. Christoph followed, hoping the subject would be dropped.


Amaya stood on the set for the underground bar where she helped place tables and other props for the extras in the scene to use. Brian and a few other men were moving an upright piano into place to set the ambiance of a basement pub, and Amaya glanced at it. The piano looked really heavy, and she wondered whether it could be played.

The extras arrived on the scene, and she knew Christoph didn’t have many lines for this part; he was supposed to come in after the shootout. Quentin arrived, too, and he began directing the actors and extras into their places. He instructed ‘Wilhelm’ in what he was supposed to do, and Diane Kruger arrived to play the part of Bridget von Hammersmark. Amaya grinned when she saw Micheal Fassbender. He was incredibly hot, but she knew he was so far out of her league that she’d have to grow wings to catch him. But he was nice to look at.

Once everything was in place, Quentin cleared the crew out, and Amaya stood over to the side as the actors took their places. She spotted Christoph in his costume off to the side, and she blushed.

“Go talk to him,” Brian said from beside her. “He doesn’t come in until after the shootout.”

Amaya blushed harder. “I…I don’t want to be in the way…”

Brian chuckled and walked off to go get a bottle of water as the actors got into their places and Quentin called, “Action!”

As soon as Quentin called “Action,” the entire set went completely silent. Christoph was silent as well, though he did make a few glances over to Amaya, which caused him to smile to himself. He glanced over at her only when he was sure that Amaya was not looking at him.

The scene entirely took several hours to get done, as well as plenty of retakes. Once it was finally finished, Christoph’s scene was being prepared. The soldiers took their places, and already Christoph was hunched over the evidence laid before him. Quentin called for action again, and Christoph picked up the shoe that Bridget von Hammersmark left behind. Christoph had a few takes, going about his lines differently in each one, before it was finally done.

Quentin called for a wrap on the scene, and soon everyone was packing up and filing out to leave. Christoph and Quentin headed back to Christoph's dressing room to go over some scenes together and discussed his lines for the next scene they’d be working on. Quentin admired Christoph’s work ethic, as well as his immense talent. If it weren’t for this Austrian, Inglourious Basterds would not be.

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