Pep Talks of a Procrastinating Insomniac.

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                                            ATTENTION CHANEL

It was the first thing I saw, in bright red letters on a notepad laying on my purse. As I opened my eyes I took in my surroundings. Stained up beige carpet. Light wood entertainment center in front of me with a large flat screen, *thinks of andrea, her best friend. She bought it off of her for $150.*  Desk, island, tiled floor is what I saw to my left. AHH-CHOO, and then the cat.Letting out a deep sigh, I reach for the notebook. In a red Sharpie Pen (I love these pens, seriously I have not wrote with a regular pen since Jenn, Andrea's older sister, introduced them to me.)

                                                        ATTENTION CHANEL. Game Plan.

                                                *thinking sarcastically "Well this must be for me."

                                                        *Begins reading the rest of the note*

1. Find a home for the stuff at the foot of the couch. There are 2 baskets, 2 garbage bags, and 2 wicker baskets full of stuff. There is nothing in the NEW ENTERTAINMENT CENTER!--that you got to put the nick nacks and what not away, so put it to use!--Put all the books that I know are laying around on the book stand to. Arrange the manga series in order. The english way, not the japanese way! Put the Hunger Games books in order too. Put the covers back on the hardback books of all the ones you can find.

2. Move the couch back to the wall. You are eventually going to have to find a permanent home for your bigginners bunny anyways. Also, finding a home in the house for your nebulizer would be good to. Move the table stand back to. Also, maybe dust it off??*sarcasm* Go through the little wicker easter basket as well. Get anything that is junk out. Speaking of the couch. Get the cushions off and sweep it. Get the socks out as well as the pink wallet, the deoderant, all 49 Albuteral Vials, and the phone charger. After that, you can remove the tote from beside the chair. Seriously, it needs done. The living room is going to look so much better if you don't have that there.

3. Clean out the closet. I know its been done like 32 times, but lets do it right this time. Yes, think of it like Harry Potter if you really want to. The Cupboard Besides the Basement, instead. Now, we need to find something else to put on that shelf. Its a very rough carpet and I'm not digging it. Then when you are done you will have your own chill spot, where you can stash your Tinkerbell Gummy Vitamins and Snoopy bandaids. I promise it will be awesome. 

4. Clean the bathroom. Yes, this includes the bowl of the toilet and the kitty litter. Put your nose under your shirt. It will be the easiest way to do it. Just scoop the shit out and throw it out with the trash tonight. The bathtub needs to be cleaned out as well. . . Listen Furball. We are going to have to start thinking of this like Oil City again. You have to clean out the shower of all your hair befiore the next girl comes in. I don't understand why there is so much hair every where when it isn't even that long! Anyways, clean the drain to.

5. Get on your hands and knees....and scrub the kitchen and bathrroom floor. LOL perv. Sweet them both up and clean up the shoe pile to. You can probably just take a Swifter Mop Pad to the floor and it will be good. Just remember to clean up under the garbage can, the kitter litter, the 24 pack of shit paper and the package of Always. Also, lets disinfect Mom's shower chair. I am quite sure it needs it by now.

6. And for the love of Pete Wentz, don't forget to VACCUUM!!!! Maybe even wipe it off when you are done. The vaccuum cleaner itself, is very dusty.

                                                                   Thanks! Love Always,


Hmm...okay, so appearently stoned me left a messsage for sober me? Alright, thats kinda cool. What time is it? Alright well the oversized clock above the island says 8:30. So it must actually be 9:30pm because I never turned the clocks ahead 5 weeks ago when it happened. I'm a terrible "morning person" I'm completely nocturnal so my mornings are pretty much whenever I wake up when I was sleeping for more than 5 hours. I vaguely recall my mom telling me to get up and she will let me play with her new frames? I don't remember what I replied with but it was something along the line of "Yeah, cause that sounds like a lot of fun!" Although in reality I think I may have just snorted.

Something isn't right here....thats the only thing I could think of while trying to comprehend what was in front of me. When I am laying on my left side I can see right into the kitchen of our 1 bedroom apartment that my mom and I share. As my eyes zero in on someone that is slightly out of place, I think, "I believe that is Mike (my mom's, best friend Rock's husband. He is a tattoo artist, and has his own shop in Rossiter. ) and he has turned my kitchen into a tattoo parlor?" As I realize this, the only response I have for it is...Whatever. Chuckling I grab the notebook and walk over to my mom. I hand her the notebook and smile.

"So I guess stoned me, grounded sober me?" I couldn't help but chuckle. "I think it's supposed to be a pep talk?" 

My mom read the note cracking a smile and started reading the funnier parts out loud.

"So what, you are just going to be cleaning while I'm sleeping?" She asked.

I replied, "I don't know, I wanted to eat first and then get started." As I'm looking at her, I realized that she got her ear tattooed! "Nice Tat!" I exclaimed. It was a red daisy with a skull in the middle with it's stem going down the middle ridge of her ear. It looked pretty good actually. There was not alot of redness or bleeding. As we were talking we decided on Sheetz for food (Local gas station joint that makes the best food, and Toby's mom works there. You will learn about her later.) She makes me a list of what she wants, because we both know if she doesn't write it down, she isn't getting it. I grab the list and put on my bright red Echo zip up. Head out the back door to the Van.

**A/N alright this is a new story. I don't know how long this is gonna be or how many pages or chapters. This is just purely for fun and yes some of it is based on my life. Please leave me a comment and let me know how you feel about it.**

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2012 ⏰

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