God the teacher he is so anoying how do you stand this you wait an hour feeling alown yet there's so many people...it's forth pirod all of a suden..your day is going to fast the same teacher you have for home room is the one you have for fourth pirod ...God you look at the class befor you enter you leave instead and dich class you to depresed for them...your crying...you have a razer in you back pack...just get it....."no!" You said to your self crying even more the sonner you realise some one is calling you "NINA ABRE LA PRERTA!" it means girl open the door in Spanish you open it and the superviser about in her 50 walked in on you she got mad that you aren't in class you go to the deatenchen room they call your mother since your dad isent living with you he devorced and lives with his parents....your suposed to be at home now but instead you head to your freinds house....