Chapter 8

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The next morning, Wu Yingjie arrived with a caravan. What was left of the royal family and the servants were forced to watch his arrival. "Greetings to His Majesty," we all said with a bow.

"Rise, my loyal subjects," he said. We did so. "I see that you welcome me with open arms. Where are your princes and the emperor?" he asked as he got off his horse, and his manservant, Lu An, took it to our royal stables.

"They are still fighting off Your Majesty's army. Obviously, since you have now taken over the capital, it's a lost cause," said Zhou Wei as she stepped forward and bowed low before Yingjie.

Yingjie smirked in approval. "Of course..." he said as he looked her up and down. "And you must be the prestigious first Imperial Concubine, Zhou Wei, I presume."

"Yes, Your Majesty," she replied, an obvious blush coming to her cheeks. "May I present my daughters: Zhou Yiuxing and Princess Zhou Meifeng."

We both came forward. "Greetings, Your Majesty," we said with curtsies.

He nodded in approval. "Lovely..." he said with a smile. "Although..." he added. "The one seems more fair than the other," he said, nodding to me.

I smirked and curtsied. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

He nodded with a smile. "Come. Let us discuss the future of the Wu dynasty."

We all went into the throne room. "Sit, please," said Yingjie as he sat on the throne. We did as we were told. "As you know, the people will not accept me, unless I stand with a powerful woman of the Zhou family as my empress. I believe that, since you are the only one left, First Imperial Concubine Zhou, it would only be fitting if it were you."

"I'm honored, Your Majesty, to bear such a responsibility," replied Zhou Wei.

"Excellent," said Yingjie with a smile. "We wed in the morning. As for the rest of my plan to win the people over, that can wait 'till morning," he said with a dismissive wave.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Your Majesty," we all said, bowing as we stood and left the room. When I went back to mine, I immediately took off my royal clothes in exchange for my former servant's outfit.

"Where are you going, my lady?" asked Mei.

I put a finger to my lips. I nodded to the window and they followed me to it. "There's no place for me here anymore. I'd rather die than see that tyrant on the throne. I'm leaving for a better place." I saw a small tear slide down So's cheek. "Shhh. It's okay. Don't weep in fear for my life. I'll return." She nodded as I put a hand to her cheek. "I couldn't have asked for better friends than you two."

They gave me sad smiles. They nodded as I hung a rope from the roof, and slid down. Once I got to the ground, I looked up and waved to them. They waved back.

Then, I made my way over the wall and into the outer city.

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