Kakashi Lemon

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Ok so this is a love story,its about me and Kakashi and our forbidden love of Sensei and Student...don't judge me,so if you dont like the student sensei thing,I suggest you leave ._.


How It happened:

I walked down the street with Naruto,Sasuke,and Sakura,we're meeting up with Kakashi-Sensei to go out for raman,

'Man I know I keep my cool but still,I like him and I'll get nervous,worse this is that he's my Sensai...'

(a few hours after we eat and Im home,im depressed about the whole being in love with Kakashi thing,anyways,some how or another,I start drinking...I know,I know,Its stupid,but bare with me.)

I take another sip of the awful tasting liquid...

'God I hate the taste of beer.but its the only way to forget...'

I heard a knock on the door,I looked at the clock,

'who could be here at 11 at night?' I wondered getting up 

'Probably Naruto.' I decided.

I opened the door,

"Se-Sensai?" I asked staring at Kakashi then feeling something gather in my stomach,

"Oh shit" I said running from the door leaving it open,and running to the bathroom and threw up

"ugh..." I went to the sink and rinsed my mouth out with mouth wash.

I went back and saw Kakashi leaning on my front door,he'd let himself in,he was staring at the cans of beer on the floor,there were 2 empty and the 1 I was drinking that was half full.

"you're to young to drink." he says seeing I'd just walked in.

"well did you come just to lecture me,or do you need something?" I said laying on the couch then looking at him threw the corner of my eye.

"I came to see if you were alright,you seemed abit off today,and the fact that you're drinking proves that there is."he tells me.

"What the hell does drinking have to do with me being in a bad mood?" I ask

"Well,you could be drinking to avoid the problem." He states.

I sigh "And if I am?" I ask,he walks closer to me,

"Well I'd want to know if there was something wrong with you so I could help."

he tells me.

"And why's that?" I ask sitting up and looking up at him.

"Because I care about you Ellie," he tells me 

"Yeah,I'm your student,you're supposed to right?" I say kinda mockingly.

"No.Not as a student.but as a person I love." My eyes widen.but they go back to normal.

"Well,yeah you love me,like a friend or a daughter,cause god knows I'm old enough to be your daughter." I say with mixed emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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