Karma's Step Two (2)

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Karma's Story-

Hmm... Lately Nagisa seem... Different? Not sure why, but whenever I looked at Nagisa straight in the eyes. It seems like he can't look back at me for some reason. Is he afraid of my presence...? No, he seen me fight a couple of times and always feel comfortable around me. So... Why is exactly Nagisa avoiding me? That, ticks me off.  

Bitch-Sensei came right in, and faces toward where Nagisa is sitting at. 

Bitch-Sensei: "Oh my~ Oh my~ Looks like someone has a crush on someone here~"

Kayano & Rio & Maehara: "EHHHH~ SO IT IS TRUE NAGISA-KUN~"

Ohh~ I see it now. 

Karma: "Hmm~? Who has a crush~? Nagisa-kun?? Why~ Isn't that some news you got there~"   

So the reason is, he has a crush on someone... But, who that is...?  Pfft, look at him. I can see his ears blushing red from behind. He must be in crazy love with them. Ah~ So Nagisa already gotten to that stage now huh?   

Nagisa: "U-um...! I have to go to the r-restroom...! Please excuse me..!"

Nagisa bowed his head low, and came running out fast like he wanted to come out of a cage for a long time.  

Wow, so he too afraid to even admit it hmm? Heh it should be fun cracking the code up and find out who he likes. But... Why is it with me, when he dodges my gazes and blushes around me... To not let me know that he actually has a crush on someone? Welp, he suck at hiding it pfft.   

Rio: "There! There! He must have someone he likes!

Maehara: "If you ask me, he pretty shy to admit it himself haha."  

Kayano: "T-there no way...! Uh, whoops! My bad! Continue on what you guys were saying!" 

Her too. Sucks at hiding her own feelings for Nagisa. Way too obvious.  

Rio: "Oohh~ What do we have here now~" 

Maehara: "Perhaps the key to our puzzle~?

Bitch-Sensei soon slammed the table with her fist. 

Bitch-Sensei: "Would you guys shut up already?! I'm trying to teach the class a lesson here!

Maehara: "Hey~ Bitch Sensei! You notice how Nagisa-kun have a crush on someone right?" 

Isogai: "Now, now, exactly what does that have to do with anything here..." 

Maehara: "Oh come on~ Aren't anyone of you guys have a bit interest in who our 'Top Student' Nagisa-kun's crush is?" 

Heh and by the time you guys search for answers, i'm going to find out first. I'm his closet friend after all. We both trust each other pretty well too, so I see no problem in that ha. 

A mutter soon spread everywhere in class. 


The mutter broke, and only a silence exist.  

Eh? Is that Nagisa standing in the hallways there? I moved my head over a bit to see more, and saw a yellow tentacle stand by. Koro-Sensei and Nagisa? Wasn't Nagisa going to the restroom, unless... A smirk appear on my face like usual. This is going to get interesting, real well. 

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