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Maddie P.O.V.

So hey y'all me and Mikeques was going to the doctor to see how my baby boy is doin yass bihh Im pregnant
So when we was doing the altra sound they stayed the dont fell any hart beats then I started to get scared

Doctor:we don't hear any hart beats....Yet

Me:omg I can't have a misscarag I'm 8 months already

Doctor: sorry

~~~~~~~~~That night~~~~~~~~ so I was tryna go to sleep but then I thought I was sappost to have the baby tommow then got sad and started crying

Mikeques:baby Wat's wrong

Me:nothing I'm just sad that I had a mi-

Mikeques:a wat


Mikeques:baby I know yo nasty ass did not just pee on me

Me:baby it herts....HELP MEE!!!

mikeques:help u with wat

Me:b-baby m-my water just b-broke

Mikeques:but I thought u was having a


mikeques:but u was gonna have a


~~~~~~~~At The Hospital~~~~~~~

Doctor:I thought u was having a misscarig

Me:i-i did to...But let's do this

Doctor:Madison Push


Mikeques:baby push he almost here


Doctor:he is out

She puts him in the cover and let Mikques cut the cord that was funny asf cause he pasted out
But my baby is soo cute I luv him already


Me:Mikeques Mason Bowles Jr.

Mikeques: O I get it u got Mikeques from me then Mason from Madison wait but people call u Maddie wait why u name him Bow-

Me:nigga shut up... Is u staying here or is u going home

Him:I'm staying here

me:Omfg here we go again

Doctor: omg



Mikeques:push baby...Push


Did I just have twins omg just wait until i tell my twin sister yea do y'all member her Madelyn yes her but then I heard

???:omg I hope they be just like us


Her:yes child plz stop screaming but the doctors said u having a girl to



Me:umm.um.. Mallery Niomi Bowles


Let me show y'all my cute ass children

Let me show y'all my cute ass children

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