Chapter 3

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So back with Romanda so the next day
At Ross's

Ross=what do u want to do

Amanda=snuggle with u*giggles*

Ross=ok beautiful*snuggles with Amanda*

Amanda=hey rossy do u want kids some day and if so how many

Ross=yeah and 2*kisses Amanda*

Amanda=I love u rossy


Amanda= ur rossome let's go hangout with Rikanna

Ross=k as long as I'm with u Amanda bear

Amanda*laughs* lets go

Ross*drives to Rihanna's house*

Rylands pov

I am just leaving Rihanna's house

Amanda pov

We pulled up and we saw ryland backing up out of the driveway but I don't think he saw us weird so I up to the door while holding ross hand and Rihanna opens the to us
we say is riker here
she says no
we said ooo
she said Oo I can ask him to come over
I say ok
she goes to call him
I say to ross does that seem weird to u

Ross pov

Amanda thinks there is something werid I don't I wonder what she mean maybe about ryland

Ross=ryland and Rihanna r just friends

Amanda=I hope nothing more

Just then Rihanna comes back he is just leaving she says

Riker than pulls up

Riker=hey Rihanna

Rheanna=hey riker

Amanda=want to play truth or dare

Everyone else=yeah

Ross=I want to go first k so Rihanna truth or dare


Ross= Are you a virgin?

Riker=of course she does but Rihanna I got to ask u a question will you go out with me again??

Rihanna=yeah riker but I am not a virgin


Ross=Rihanna's turn to pick someone

Amanda=Rihanna u didn't tell me

Rihanna=Amanda truth or dare

Amanda=truth Rihanna

Rihanna=um who was ur first boyfriend

Ross=wait will u be my girlfriend Amanda

Amanda=my first boyfriend was nick

Rihanna =Amanda's turn

Amanda=I pick riker truth or dare


Amanda= I dare u to make a hickey on Rihanna's neck

Riker did as told

Riker=my turn ross truth or dare


Riker= I dare u to lick Amanda's face

Amanda=let's end these game

Amanda and Ross go to Amanda's room riker and Rihanna go to Rihanna's room

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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