give her the world

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give her a pencil.
she will write countless words.

give her a brush.
she will paint beautifully.

give her an instrument.
she will play it harmoniously.

give her some music.
she will dance happily.

give her a track.
she will race around it.

give her a calculator.
she will solve the toughest math problems.

give her a lab coat.
she will discover the cure for cancer.

give her a computer.
she will code and connect the world.

give her an education.
she will learn she skills she needs to succeed.

give her kindness.
she will give it back to you.

give her respect.
she will feel confident in herself.

give her a voice.
she will use it to empower others.

give her a life.
she will live it to the fullest.

give her an opportunity.
she will make the most of it.

give her a chance.
she will be thankful for it.

give her the world.
she will change it for the better.

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